Courageous Kingdom Blog

The Power of Worship christian life power-filled life Sep 13, 2016

“But when you pray, go into your most private room, close the door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees [what is done] in secret will reward you.”  Matthew 6:6 (AMP)

Have you ever wondered what one key might be that leads to an answered prayer?

An Uninvited Visitor


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Does God Really Love You? You Bet He Does! christian life Aug 30, 2016

Do you sometimes think, “Does God really love me?” or “Does He even know I exist?”

A resounding … YES HE DOES!

You are NOT an accident.

How do I know this?

There are many passages of Scripture that I love, but the one I love the most is Psalm 139. I encourage you to read it everyday to let it si...

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