On the verge of ending the first half of the Gregorian calendar year of 2023, I sense a preparation in the spirit realm for a time of turnarounds and transition coming within the next 6 months.
For those who have been seeking the face of God and have fully submitted their lives and own plans to Him, your breakthroughs are almost here.
There’s been a great unsettling in the spirit realm as the Lord has been positioning people and angels into formation - ready for battle and victory.
Many times the Lord has shown me a giant chessboard. This board represents Him repositioning people (both Believers and pre-Believers) as well as the spirit realm into alignment with His timing.
The enemy believes He has the upper hand and in his arrogance, He always has, but it is actually the Lord of Hosts who is cleverly manoeuvring the realm of darkness around to bring glory to King Jesus.
Haman and Mordecai are wonderful examples of this truth:
“So Haman took the robes and put them on Mordecai, placed him on the king’s own horse, and led him through the city square, shouting, “This is what the king does for someone he wishes to honour!” Es 6:11 (NLT)
Haman hated Mordecai so much because he wouldn’t bow down to him whenever he walked past. Haman planned to go to the king to have Mordecai impaled but instead, it all backfired and Haman now had to publicly honour Mordecai through the city.
Jesus did the same thing to the enemy.
“When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him.” Col 2:15 (NASB)
It’s time to arise. It’s time to step into your breakthrough!
You are God’s vessel in whom He chooses to work through to bring His Kingdom of Light into the earth.
However, God is calling His children into new levels of purity and holiness so this is not the time to be flippant with God and His Kingdom. He is still, and will always be the Holy Lord of all.
Know the Word. Spend time in worship and prayer. Submit to the Lord daily. Do the hard things.
Remember, you and I were created to fit into God’s plan of eternity - not the other way around.
It’s the greatest privilege that you and I could ever have - to be called children of God!
For those of you who have been seeking God’s heart for their life, their family and the world around them … this is YOUR TIME!
The Fruit Will Now Appear
Many of the seeds that you have sown, up until this point of time, are about to produce a harvest of sweet and excellent fruit. (Gal 6:9)
As the days roll into July, the ‘turnarounds’ will begin.
Nothing is wasted in the Kingdom of God. (1 Cor 15:58)
Every seed you have sown has been protected, watered and nurtured.
Every tear you have cried has been held and savoured by Father God.
Every cry of your heart has been heard by King Jesus.
Watch and See What the Lord Will Do
Those years of praying, sowing and crying out to the Lord are about to be answered.
Justice and mercy are who He is! (Ps 89:14)
Where there has been delay, there is delay no more. (Ex 12:28)
Where there were once obstacles that prevented you from moving forward, the Lord’s hand has made a way. (Is 40:4)
Doors that were once closed to you are now going to be flung open wide. (Rev 3:7)
Those who stood in front of you will now be removed.
Confirmation after confirmation will come to those who have been sensing it’s time to move - both geographically and in friendship and business circles.
New ideas will begin to flow and creative innovations are being released to those who are dreaming with God.
Some of the greatest inventions are about to be birthed in the earth.
It truly is the most exciting time in history!
What is Your Part to Play?
“For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter.” Ecc 8:6 (NASB)
It’s so important to stay in step with the Lord and His timing for your life. He’s so gracious that if you are out of step with Him, He’ll help you come back into His timing.
This timing doesn’t come automatically. It takes an active participation by you in your relationship with the Lord.
- Take the time to ask Holy Spirit to refine you even further. Ask Him to reveal if there is anything in you that’s not of God, and then ask Him to deal with you, free you and heal you.
- Ask Holy Spirit if there are any places in your life that are out of alignment and out of the timing of the Lord.
- If He shows you an area, ask Holy Spirit to gently bring you back into the alignment and timing of God.
- Also ask Him if there is anything that you need to do. You may need to lay some things down, have an attitude adjustment, or pick up something new.
- Be open to the new ideas that the Lord is planting in your mind. Keep a record of these ideas and ask the Lord for strategies to see them come into being.
- Keep moving forward and don't give up - even when it gets hard. It's always worth the battle.
Whatever Holy Spirit asks you to do will be totally worth it.
He’s so good!
Above all else, I hear the Lord encouraging you to not stay in the place of weariness. Your breakthrough and harvest are almost here!
Hold onto hope and don’t let go..
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Gal 6:9 (NASB)
You are His greatest desire.
You were indeed born for such a time as this!
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