YOU CAN DO IT … the trick is to START!
Do you feel so unmotivated because you wonder what 2022 is going to look like?
Will it be more of the same or is it going to improve?
I have been asking the Lord the same question and His response was, “It depends from whose perspective you are looking?”
I can assure you that God’s perspective is vastly different from what the negative narrative says that has invaded the earth – from both Believers and pre-Believers.
No matter what is coming – you CAN live victoriously!
This is how you were actually designed and created to live … all day … every day.
How do you do this?
Here is what the Lord has been showing me in the last few weeks.
7 keys to help you live victoriously in the coming days, weeks and months.
1. Know The Times
Creation and existence are like a huge book and we are inserted onto a page in one of the chapters. The page that moves us into a new chapter is turning. It’s a chapter that has never been seen before.
It’s more than a new chapter, it’s a new section of the entire book and you and I get to be a part of this new adventure.
Your action step: Ask Holy Spirit to reveal to you what chapter you are sitting in now and what your new chapter looks like. Is there something that you need to do or some new place that you need to go to see your next page turn? Record what He tells you.
2. Embrace The New
New revelation is being downloaded that will set the stage for the new ways that God wants to do things. These new revelations will also set the foundation for the coming decades.
New innovations. New solutions. New inventions.
More encounters and understanding of and with the spirit realm are here. Higher levels of wisdom and discernment. Deeper revelations of the Scriptures, of the Trinity and of Heaven are being released that have never been seen before.
The ‘new’ is going to be given to those who are willing to receive it and position themselves to do so. Take time to listen to Holy Spirit and what He has to say and show you. He really is very talkative.
Don’t presume to know it all. There is so much more coming and we get the honour of seeing it fall from Heaven and come to fruition in the earth. Let’s all be a part of this!
Your action step: Position yourself with focus and ask Holy Spirit to give you an idea for a an innovation or an invention. Think of a problem in the world and ask Him for the solution. Then ask for the strategies and the resources you need to bring it to fruition.
Before you read the Word, ask Holy Spirit to come and teach you. There are so many deeper layers to learn. Record what you are shown.
3. Deepen Your Foundation
The earth is in a time of severe shaking that will begin to settle in October 2022. This shaking includes the Bride Herself.
The earth itself is groaning with earthquakes, floods, fires, freezing temperatures and many other disasters (Rom 8:19-23). The earth is crying out for God’s children to arise and to step into the glory that has been given us.
Stand on your foundation of Christ the Rock and GROW.
It’s yours and my responsibility to know what we believe and believe what we know about God, His Word and His Kingdom.
This is the foundation of what you are standing on. If it is not firm upon the knowledge and experience of the Kingdom of Light, then you may not stand.
If you have intimacy with Jesus and you are willing to stand with Him, no matter what it will cost you, you will remain standing.
EVERYTHING is being shaken!
Will you be able to stand?
Your action step: Ask Holy Spirit to reveal any lies that you might be believing about God, His Word and His Kingdom. Ask Him to also reveal God’s truth to you. Renew your mind on God’s truth – NOT the world’s (Rom 12:2).
4. Align Your Thoughts
It’s time to step into God’s agenda. God is doing so many things differently and it’s time to decide if we’re all in or all out. There is no in-between. The Lord showed me a vision many years ago of this exact time and I am now watching it play out. (And no, it isn’t the end of the world. Brilliant things are ahead!)
We need to align our thoughts and our perspectives to God’s (Is 55:8-9). We need to see from Heaven and think like Jesus (Eph 2:6). It’s time to seek Heaven’s wisdom, not our own and certainly not from the mainstream media!! (Jm1:5).
Jesus cast out the spirits of illness, injury, oppression and death. He didn’t cast out the religious spirits. Religious spirits killed him. Religious spirits are killing the Body of Christ today. We must not be aligned with them. Be transformed with the renewal of our minds (Rom 12:2).
This is what will overcome the enemy. This is where victorious living resides.
Your action step: Ask Holy Spirit to show you where you are fearful and anxious. From God’s perspective, you have nothing to fear. His perfect love casts out all fear so ask Him to fill you today with His beautiful, sweet yet powerful love.
Ask Holy Spirit to show you where your thoughts are not aligning with His. If there is fear, ask Holy Spirit to align your thoughts to His. If there is doubt and confusion, ask Him to align your thoughts to His. If you are lacking joy and hope, align your thoughts to His and there you will be in peace.
5. Know Your Weapons
Nehemiah instructed the people to build with one hand and wield a weapon in the other (Neh 4:17).
Jesus told the disciples to take swords with them (Lk 22:36-38) and then told Peter not to use it (Jn 18:11). It’s time to know which spiritual weapons to use and at what time. We can only do that when we are aligned to Jesus’ thinking (1 Cor 2:16).
Know when and where to build. Know when and how to fight.
Your action step: Ask Holy Spirit what weapons are you to use at what time? Prayer, peace, silence, joy, laughter, action, thanksgiving, truth spoken in love, mercy, healing, etc. Pick up and wield the weapon that God has assigned to you for that moment. He is backing you. You don’t have to war alone.
Ask Holy Spirit if you are meant to build something at this time? A business? A ministry? A home?
Record what He shows you.
6. Ask For Blessings
Yes! You read that right.
It’s time to ask for AND ACCEPT God’s abundant blessing – boldly, enthusiastically and outrageously. It’s time for lack and the poverty spirit to leave your lives.
You must be blessed to be a blessing. Wealth, with wisdom, brings favour, influence and the advancement of the Kingdom of Light into the nations.
If you have a heart to see the poor fed and clothed, the widows looked after, the children taken out of the sex slave trade or out of sweat shops, people restored from addiction, wealthy, poor and everyone in between people being drawn to Jesus in creative ways, the Kingdom advanced in any and every sphere of influence …
You can’t give out of what you don’t have. It’s as simple as that.
This all takes money, resources, and influence. These people in bondage are waiting for YOU!
Your action step: Ask Holy Spirit for creative ways to generate wealth. Then ask for strategies and resources to come your way to make it all happen. (It’s actually from God (Deut 8:18) so kick the poverty spirit and poverty mindset to the curb. You don’t have time for it as others are waiting for their freedom on the other side of your obedience!)
Requests of God to prepare you for this next chapter.
- Oh that You, Father, would greatly bless me and my family, and extend our family’s borders, and that Your hand might be with us, and that You would keep us all from harm so that it would not hurt us! Thank You for bringing about what I have requested. (Taken from 1 Chron 4:10)
- God, You shall bless me and my family and the nations will be drawn to You, and all the ends of the earth shall fear You. (Taken from Ps 67:7)
- Lord, bless me and my family and keep us; Lord, make Your face shine upon us and be gracious to us; Lord, turn Your face toward us and give us peace so You will put Your Name upon us and you will bless us. Thank You, Lord.” (Taken from Num 6:22-27)
7. Prepare And Stand
It is not time to shrink back and compromise! It’s time to take a stand! (Eph 6:10-18)
The world is waiting for the Bride of Christ to wake up from their slumber and help them climb out of the pit of confusion, fear and despair.
The world is inundated by darkness because the Light of Christ has hidden Her light.
Our brothers and sisters in Christ who are bound by religion and lack are waiting for the ‘free’ to arise and break the chains that hold them. They long for freedom too.
Darkness and light cannot exist together. Light will ALWAYS overcome.
Don’t shrink back. All of Heaven is on your side!
Your action step: Ask Holy Spirit for boldness and courage to take a stand where He leads you. Ask Him for wisdom and strategies to come out of hiding and be the warrior (in whatever form that takes) that you were created to be. Be strong and very courageous for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go! (Josh 1:9)
So, what is the 1 key that most stood out to you today?
What point do you value the most and would like to incorporate into your life?
You are so important to Father God. He chose you to help bring about His Light and purposes into the earth.
Yes, YOU! That’s how much He adores you and how highly He thinks of you. He doesn’t just give these jobs to anyone.
Share in the comments below, what is 1 key that you will begin or continue to invest into your life today.
I look forward to reading your insights.
Have an amazing day and know that truly nothing is impossible for you and God together.
Abundant blessings to you, now and always.

Photo Credit: pixels.com
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