A message for you, from Father God, to give you hope.
“My beloved child.
Oh how I long to be your Shelter, your Rest and your Shield. If you would only look to me today to see how loving and strong I am. You can trust Me. You can know that I am your Heavenly Father and that I will always be with you. You are never alone.
Circumstances in the world right now seem out of control. They are not. Use this time as a time to see Me for who I really am. I did not bring this calamity, nor did I allow it. Fear has gripped the world and I want to tell you that there is a better way.
My peace I left with you when My Son, Jesus, left the earth physically to be with Me. My peace is named Holy Spirit. He longs to permeate every cell in your body, every thought in your mind, and every aspect of your life. You will not know deeply true peace apart from Him.
There is such a bright and glorious future planned ahead and it has made the enemy of your soul very, very afraid. The demons shudder at my plans and are trying their very last ditch effort to prevent Me from moving, to stop Me from revealing Myself to the earth because He knows that once My sons and daughters understand who I truly am, he loses a great deal of ground.
Imagine that You would know who you truly are, that you would know how powerful you are because I live inside of you. Nothing will be impossible for you.
Let me out of the box of small thinking for I am about to astound you with My goodness. There is much talk about scarcity and lack. This is not who I am. I am the God of the abundant life. Do I not feed the birds of the air and the animals in the field? Do I not provide for those who come to Me?
The enemy has held the earth captive in his lies about who I am for far too long. It is now time for My truth to be revealed.
I am not coming back only to leave people to perish. Oh how this lie grieves My heart. They are My sons and daughters too – My precious ones who do not yet know Me or My goodness. My heart and my plans from before the beginning of any existence of life, was to be a Father. Just as a mother and father for generations past have longed for children, so have I.
My beloved, let Me hold you today. Let Me fill you with the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control that is Me. Allow Me to soothe your racing mind with My peace, that will overshadow your understanding. I know you find this hard to believe but you do not have to be fearful or anxious during these days. I have you in the palm of My hand and no-one can snatch you out of it. You are safe unless you make the decision to leave and step out on your own.
Stay with Me. I will always look after you. Remember what I have done for you in previous times. Think about the times when you were fearful but it all worked out anyway. I was there. I was orchestrating the best for you behind the scenes.
I never sleep but I always rest. I am working behind the scenes of your life in more ways than you could ever imagine! I have such incredibly amazing things planned for you in your future. Plans to show you just how good I am and how amazing you are.
Come with Me. Step out of your comfort zone and be different from the crowd. Live in rest. Walk in peace. You will stand out and others will be in awe of who you are in Me. You will be a living beacon of hope to a desperately hurting world. The earth longs for Me, they are just yet to recognise it.
The time has now come for Me to usher in the new era on the earth. So many good things are being released but you must be strong in character to contain them.
You have stepped into this new era and it began at the turn of the decade. I am rearranging the earth to come into deeper alignment with My purposes. The transition is always painful, like childbirth, but what is birthed from the pain is worth everything!
Come with Me. Stay with Me. I am drawing you deeper into My heart – because I love you. I want to bless you more than you could ever dream or imagine. Come and see with My eyes, the life that I have planned out for you. How precious you are in my sight! My heart overflows with joy each time I look at you.
I am your strength. I am your light. I will guide your path as you take time to listen and be with Me. I am giving you greater eyes to see and ears to hear what I am doing in this season of your life, and the world around you.
Come with Me. I am inviting you into a deeper level of relationship and partnership with Me and all of Heaven. As you discover more and more what is available to you, because of My beautiful Son, Jesus, you will gain more territory and be the most extravagant blessing to the world.
The world needs Me … so do you.
Turn around …
I am here.
Be blessed today. Your Heavenly Father is waiting for you. Nothing pleases His heart more than you spending time with Him.
He truly is amazing!
Many abundant blessings to you,

(Photo Credit: Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels)
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