I have personally made so many dumb and completely stupid choices in my life but I have also made some spectacular and brilliant ones too.
We make hundreds of choices every single day.
Are the choices that you are making today driving you towards your purpose and destiny? Have you ever thought about it?
Even NOT choosing is still making a choice.
You make a good choice – you receive a great consequence.
You make a bad choice – you guessed it, a bad consequence follows.
I used to be a person that blamed everyone else for the issues I was having in my life – because that’s the easier option, deceivingly so anyway. It wasn’t until I began listening to testimonies of successful people that I realised that my life, where I am today, is because of the decisions that I had made and that it was time to grow up and take responsibility for my own life. This is when things began to change.
Did I ask for the bad things that happened to me at the hands of others? Certainly not but it was my decision to either respond or react to each situation – especially as an adult.
We have all had ‘bad stuff’ happen to us. Whether it’s abuse, rejection, bullying, abandonment etc, none of this defines who you are.
Have a think about it. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? Was it because of choices that you made or was it something that happened to you that was not your fault at all? Have you dealt with it and been healed from the trauma and pain? If not, I would strongly encourage you to do so.
(As a side note: the first step to healing and freedom is choosing to forgive. Believe me, this choice has nothing to do with feelings. I wrote here how I almost died not once, but twice when I refused to forgive those who hurt me as a child. Once I chose to forgive people and even God Himself – against everything I was feeling – healing came like a soothing balm to my soul and joy finally began to seep into my life. It took time, but the feelings of forgiveness caught up. I can honestly say that I am no longer angry at those who tried to destroy my life. Let me encourage you to choose forgiveness today. Don’t put it off. Your true freedom can’t begin until you do!)
What is that dream that is deep down in your heart? You know, the one that you have buried and possibly forgotten about?
When I was little, I always wanted to be a ballet dancer. I know, that’s boring but I was working towards the dream. I would constantly exercise and thankfully, my cousin was a great gymnast so she taught me how to stretch and become flexible. I grew up in a town of just under 1000 people so there weren’t any options for ballet dancer wannabes back then.
One day, a lady came to live in the town who, you guessed it, taught ballet. I was so incredibly excited. We didn’t have a whole lot of money but my mum let me go. I did my first set of exams and got distinctions. I was on my way to my dream. She had planned for us to go to Sydney and visit The Australian Ballet Company. I had never been so excited in my life! The day before we were due to leave, my mother received a phone call to say that our teacher had unexpectedly left town and wasn’t coming back. To say I was heart broken was an understatement. My dreams had just flown right out the window in a flash with no hope of returning …. ever!
I was sad for a very long time. Time passed, I got older but that dream still stayed. So now I had a choice. I could either get very bitter and stay miserable or I could move towards something else. So I began pondering what it was about being a dancer that I loved. I loved how graceful the ladies looked and moved. I loved their beauty. I loved the elegance. I loved their seeming confidence and happy lives. I knew it was extremely hard work but they seemed to love what they did and I wanted that.
That dream has now passed but interestingly, my new dream has all the same facets. I love helping women be the best that they can be. I love helping them love who they are and being comfortable in their own skin. I love encouraging them to know that they are beautiful – no matter what they look like. I love seeing them have confidence and radiating the inner beauty that is unique to them. Like dancing, we have to stretch, endure and walk through pain, but ultimately, the grace, poise and confidence that we can move in in the end is all worth it.
A beautiful picture unfolds.
Choose your dream and pursue it with all your might.
If you don’t have a dream, ask God for one. If you have a relationship with Jesus, you have access to every single idea in Heaven. Jeremiah 29:11 says that God knows the plans He has for you. Don’t you want to know what they are? Jeremiah 33:3 says to ask Him and He will tell you. Pretty sweet hey?
Make this the day to choose to move forward towards your destiny.
Choose to not stay stuck. Choose to forgive. Choose to talk to someone who can help you.
Choose your destiny this very day and move forward.
I can guarantee you …. you won’t regret it.
Don’t let your past hold you back. It’s not worth it. That’s where the demonic realm wants to keep you.
CHOOSE to move forward today. Ask God for help to do so. Your life is literally in your hands.
“The thief (Satan) comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I (Jesus) came that they (you) may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).“ John 10:10 (AMPC)
… but you have to choose it.
You were born for such a time as this. You have things to do, places to go, people to meet, lives to change.
Start with your own life and choose to live towards your destiny.
Don’t keep staring at the past. Turn around and walk towards your new life.
What choices could you make today to propel you towards your destiny?
Maybe you could pick up a book and learn more about the subject that you love. Maybe you could enrol in a course. You could talk to someone who is already out there doing what you want to do and find out how they did it. You could share your dream with an encouraging friend.
It’s completely your choice. It’s your life with God. Partner with Him and walk the journey together.
Choose well … Choose life, freedom and destiny TODAY!
You’ll be so glad you did.
What are the dreams that are in your heart? Share them below so we can be inspired by you and pray with you to get them started. If you need specific prayer for anything that is holding you back from your dreams, send me an email via the contact form or write your request below. I’d love to pray for you.
Have an amazing time dreaming!
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