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Get Ready. It’s Time to Prepare!

Get Ready. It’s Time to Prepare!

christian life May 13, 2020

Are you struggling in this isolation or are you a bit like me, secretly enjoying the down time and the fact of not having to rush anywhere? (Although I do really miss being with my friends and going to church.)

However you feel, there are challenges and blessings in such a time as this.

This will not go on forever and
the Lord is using this season

The Bible has excellent examples that we can learn from.

The Israelites were in captivity in Babylon because they kept disobeying God under the Old Covenant. Daniel perceived the prophecy written by Jeremiah and how it said it would only be for 70 years (Dan 9). The end of those 70 years was almost up so Daniel began to prepare for the breakthrough.


By seeking the Lord, praying, fasting and repenting – not only for himself but for his people. He wanted to see the end of the captivity come to pass in its appointed time.

He was getting his heart right before the Lord and repented for God’s chosen people who had ignored God.

He prepared, he acted, and he saw deliverance come for all the captives.

Jesus also prepared.

He knew that the ultimate goal of His life was to go to Jerusalem to be crucified. Jesus prepared for this goal for 33 years.

How do you think He prepared?

Have you ever considered that Jesus was being prepared for all that He did on the earth in his 3 short years of ministry?

He left all of the glories of Heaven to start human life right from the beginning. He had to learn everything … to talk, to walk, to work, to obey, to study, to worship and to pray.

He are some of the things that Jesus needed to do to be prepared:

* He went to school – the only way that you could become a Rabbi (Mark 9:5) was by spending most of your younger life at a Jewish School. You graduated as a Rabbi when you were 30 years old. Is there an online class you could take, books you could read, people you could talk to that could help you move closer to your dream?

* He got around likeminded people and had intellectual discussions – the final exam for a Rabbi was not about answering questions, but being able to have a healthy debate about the concepts of the Scriptures. Was the new, hopeful student able to convince the other more experienced Rabbi’s of his own thought processes and revelations? This, essentially, was the test. (Luke 2:46)
Do you know people that are heading in the direction that you want to go in, but are further down the road than you? Maybe you could begin talking to them to find out some next steps to take.

* Jesus spent time alone with His Father  not only to discover His daily assignments but to just simply be with Him. Jesus spent quality time, building an intimate relationship with His Father. He did this all night at times (Luke 6:12). He was human just as you and me are. Jesus needed to get His fill of love, strength and peace, just as we do today.

Building an intimate relationship with God
is the most important thing you can do.
In the end, it’s really the only thing that matters.

* He was obedient and did what Father God told Him to do – Jesus was obedient every step of the way in His life. He knew how to submit fully to His Father, not live only for Himself, but love people and bring glory to God. (Phil 2:8)

* He humbled Himself – In Phil 2:8, Paul shares how Jesus humbled Himself BY becoming obedient until His very last breath. He knew that His life was to serve God and He also knew that He was the only One who could reconcile a dying world to a beautiful, loving God. I am sure that He witnessed crucifixions as that was a common death penalty for thieves at the time, yet He still chose to press on because He saw the ‘joy set before Him’ – YOU.

* He kept his heart right  Jesus felt the pain of others scoffing at Him, ridiculing Him, then ultimately betrayal and murder. We know this because Hebrews 4:15 says that He is able to sympathise with our weaknesses. Jesus learnt how to cast all His cares onto God and keep His heart right (Luke 22:42).

Jesus seemed to be hidden for the first 30 years of His life.

Maybe you feel the same way right now. Do you feel like your life has been hidden and you are longing to step out in what you sense that you have been called to do?

Maybe it might be a new adventure of a job, a business, a new baby.

As with all of these things, you need to prepare.

Practical things to do to prepare.

Some questions to be asking Father God during this preparation time:

1. Is there anything that I need to repent for?
2. Is there anyone I need to forgive?
3. What lies do I believe about You and Your plans for me?
4. Is there anything that needs to be changed in my life?
5. What do I need to let go of?
6. What do I need to begin to pursue? (A course, a new friendship, a new business, new ideas, new dreams, etc)
7. Reveal anything that is not of You and show me Your truth so that I can be set free.
8. Which areas of my life are not yet fully submitted to You?
9. Help me to live my life to bring glory to Your Name.

Take the time to ask God questions and most importantly, wait for the answers. Make a note of them by writing them down or recording them however you wish.

You were born for this exact moment in time.

The world around you is changing. A shaking is happening that is revealing hidden agendas, evil plans and corrupt rulers. Yet it is also bringing to light the great things that God is doing and what He has planned.

Now is the time to truly get your heart right with God. You could maybe even pray like King David did:

“Create a new, clean heart within me. Fill me with pure thoughts and holy desires, ready to please you.”

Psalm 51:10 (TPT)

The reverential fear of the Lord is indeed the beginning of wisdom. To place God in His rightful place in our lives is crucial in these coming weeks, months and years. You are His friend, His son or daughter, but He is also Lord of all. He is the great and mighty God who is the Most Holy One (Rev 16:5).

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!”

Psalm 111:10 (ESV)

Spend some time this week with the Lord – one on one. He is longing to be with you. He is waiting patiently to share His heart with you. He promises to love you no matter what.

He only has good things in store for you.

You can trust Father God.

Come and be prepared by Him.

There is nothing that delights the Father’s heart more, than being with you. How does this make you feel? Do you struggle to believe this truth? He is calling you by name as He longs to get you ready for all the goodness that is about to come.

Please share your thoughts below. What do you feel you are being prepared for? Are you excited at what’s ahead?

Abundant blessings to you today and always.

(Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom from Pexels)

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