How exciting … but what does this actually mean?
Have you ever been to the mountains and yelled at the top of your lungs just to see if the mountains would respond?
An echo occurs when a sound hits a hard, smooth object and reflects back to the one who made the sound and to those in the nearby areas.
(Even right now, as I begin writing, the song “Echo” comes onto my shuffled Spotify playlist. I love how the Lord confirms things to us in personal ways.)
Here is what the Lord is saying today:
“There is a new sound coming from Heaven that needs to reverberate throughout the nations.
My new sound will break the chains of stale religion and will bring a new vibrancy and life unto My Bride.
The sounds of Heaven are vastly different from the world’s.
My sounds bring life, healing, comfort and encouragement. They transform lives and utterly shift situations to come more aligned with Heaven.
The sound of My voice creates. I created the earth and all of life itself with My own words. (Gen 1)
Because I long for relationship, I have given this ability to every person on the earth. (Prov 18:21)
Words create your atmospheres. Words create your situations. Words create your life.
What you speak today manifests in your tomorrows.
What sounds are you hearing? What are the sweet whispers of Heaven that you are taking hold of? (1 Kings 19:12)
The sounds of Heaven are bright and full of joy.
The sounds of the world are heavy and bleak with no hope for your future.
It’s time to echo Heaven!
My sounds will cause your spirit to soar.
The sounds of Heaven will always lift a heavy heart.
The new is here. The new sound is being released. Do you hear it?
Quieten your busy mind, lay your head against My chest so that I can speak. Incline your ear to my lips for I long to share with you what I have planned.
My heart is full of excitement for what is to come. Oh the joy that will reverberate throughout Heaven and earth as My Bride speaks of what She hears and sees.
I am not angry at you nor am I disappointed but it is time to awake and arise.
It’s time to let the enemy of your souls know that enough is enough.
It’s time for you to shine in all of your radiance and draw Heaven to earth.
New miracles are arriving.
New songs that will shatter the ears of the demonic forces to cause them to release their prisoners. (Ps 40:3)
Freedom is here for those who wish to take firm hold of it and run to free others. (Gal 5:1)
Freedom in your minds. Freedom from shame and freedom from guilt. Freedom from thoughts that plague you and have held you captive for years … it’s time for life and life abundant to come. (Jn 10:10)
Do not repeat what is coming across the airwaves. The power of lies and darkness increase the more they are repeated but die when they are silenced.
Instead, repeat what you hear Me revealing to you in the quietness of your heart.
Echoes repeat. Repeat what you hear Me telling you. Repeat what you see Me doing in your life. Repeat the revelations that Holy Spirit gives you in My Word.
Repeat My goodness, My provision and faithfulness to you.
Do not forget what I have done for you so far. Just as the Jews celebrate the Hebrew’s protection from the plagues of Egypt, even today, repeat regularly what I have done for you.
In this way, you echo Heaven.
The Kingdom of Light’s sound reverberates further in the earth than what the kingdom of darkness’ sound does. It may not feel true … but it is true indeed.
This sound is so powerful that chains will be broken and prisoners will walk free.
Miracles will spontaneously occur just as the young man was resurrected in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mk 14:51-52), because Jesus walked by. Healings will occur for you too are filled with the new sound of Heaven and the glory of God.
My sound will cause power to be released through the earth that will bring a move of My Spirit that has yet to be seen. (Acts 2)
Nations will come to your rising (Is 60:3) … if you will echo My heart to them.
It’s time to echo My love, My sound, My life that I have for you and for the world.
Will you hear Me when I speak?
Oh how I deeply long to embrace you and tell you what is on My heart.
Come close to Me, My son, My daughter, for I desire nothing more than to be with you. First and foremost, this is My heart’s desire … to be in a close and intimate relationship with you.
Do you not sense Me drawing you towards Myself each day?
Lay your head on My chest for I long to hold you and show you many things of what’s to come. Such astounding things that have not been revealed before this moment in time.
It’s time to echo what I am revealing. It’s time to echo Heaven.”
Does this word stir up a deep excitement within your spirit?
Me too!
Don’t listen to the counterfeit of the enemy screaming, “It’s the end of the world!” It truly isn’t.
God has a truly glorious plan for this new chapter we are in and you and I get the awesome privilege of being a part of it.
Take time to listen to His heart. His heartbeat is rhythmic and slow for He is not rushing anywhere in a hurry. His breathing is relaxed, soothing and incredibly peaceful.
He has so much to share with you.
How has this resonated with your spirit? How will you take time to sit with Father God today just to listen? Share with us in the comments below and lets encourage each other to keep moving on.
Have an amazing day and as always, abundant blessings to you.

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