This is such a special time to celebrate ….. the death and resurrection of our precious Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Without this time, we would still be sacrificing animals out in the back yard. No thanks! We would still be trying to ‘work’ our way to Heaven. Again, no thanks.
It really is a very profound thought that someone would actually die for a world that hated Him so much. People hate Jesus so intensely that they kill everyone around them that believe in the Saviour. We think of the Islamic State today who are possessed with hatred towards those that follow Jesus but the Apostle Paul did the same thing. He persecuted, tortured and killed Christians without a second thought – and look how he turned out. NOTHING is impossible with God.
The Bible says, “… While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8 ESV)
Take some time today, even 5 minutes, to ponder this thought. Even while you ignored or maybe even hated everything about God, Jesus died an excruciating death ….. JUST FOR YOU.
Obedience Unto Death
During the past 2 weeks, my children and I have been reading the journey that Jesus took until His death. He was completely focused on going to Jerusalem. Nothing was going to distract Him or stop Him from fulfilling the purpose that He came to earth for. Even when He was prophesying His own demise and Peter (my hero) was trying to stop Him (Matthew 16:22-23), He kept moving forward.
The first time I went into labour and the pain came, I was scared stupid. I stood in the bath as my waters were running down my legs and I said out loud, “I don’t want to do this.” Can you relate? I could feel a panic attack begin to rise and in that moment, I had a choice. I took a deep breath, slowly exhaled and said, “Let’s just get on with it.” With that, I did. I got out and began cleaning the house and 27 hours later, we received our precious son.
I didn’t know what the pain was going to be like I just knew it was going to be bad. Did I want to do it? No way but I knew that seeing our child for the first time would make it all worth it.
Am I likening my pain to the pain Jesus suffered? Absolutely not. I am just trying to make the point that Jesus knew that extreme pain was coming and He didn’t want to do it. In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus had a choice to make (Matthew 26:36:44). The Word says that Jesus was “sorrowful and troubled” (vs 37). I am sure that He was experiencing a great deal of fear because 3 times He asked Father God to remove this assignment from Him. He was in so much agony that He sweated drops of blood (Luke 22:44 ESV).
Jesus was “obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” (Philippians 2:8)
He did this for soooooooo many reasons: so we can be in intimate relationship with God, so we can have complete healing when illness or injury comes, we can have hope for the future, as well as reasons we don’t yet fully comprehend, and ultimately …… we get to live for all eternity in Heaven – with Jesus. Woo Hoo!!
I grew up attending a high Anglican Church and it was edged with statues portraying Jesus still on the cross. It always made me sad to see it. However, today I love looking at the cross that is EMPTY. This reminds me that not only did Jesus suffer greatly for you and me but that He in no longer dead.
JESUS IS ALIVE! There is no greater news in the whole wide world than this.
From what I understand, Jesus is the ONLY God that is served that is actually alive, and we are able to have a two-way relationship with. How awesome is that. Jesus totally rocks!
What is God asking you to do today that might cause you pain? Are you up for the task now that you know that Jesus was scared too? Just as God had a plan for Jesus to have ultimate victory over the situation, He has a plan for you as well. Step out into obedience today and watch the victory that God will reveal to you. Remember, Jesus promises to NEVER leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).
(Photo credit: www.pexels.com)
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