Have you ever heard a sound that no-one around you heard?
What about being at home by yourself and you were 100% certain that you saw someone move in the room out of the corner of your eye?
No, you’re not going crazy.
You are literally seeing ‘beyond the veil’.
Have you heard that term before?
There is a very thin ‘veil’ that separates the spiritual realm from the natural realm.
At times the veil is removed and you can see and sense the spirit realm.
This morning a Phil Wickham song began playing audibly in our bedroom – just the first beat. It’s a distinct song so I knew immediately the song the music was from. I looked around to see if it was the alarm clock. No. It wasn’t on. Maybe I imagined it.
Then it played again. I turned on the radio and that song wasn’t playing.
Suddenly I sensed that the Lord was have fun with me. He was. He was laughing … heartily.
You see, I have asked God to see more of the seemingly impossible – His realm manifesting on earth.
I’ve had responses from many of you telling me that you long for this too.
Today is an invitation to you from Heaven:
“Are you ready to come up higher, just as My beloved John did?
This invitation is for you too.
Are you ready to see the real Me …
… not just the Me that you are taught about?
The greatest lessons are learnt from your own encounters with Me.
There is nothing counterfeit about Me.
Are you fearful of the ‘spiritual’ experiences that you see on TV?
There is no need to be. Most things you see are the enemy counterfeiting the real Me, My real power.
Satan and His realm are not stronger, smarter, inventive (at all) or more powerful than Me … EVER!
The world has turned the spirit realm into an entertainment centre instead of what it really is – an invitation for relationship and interaction with Me.
Isn’t that what you long for?
Do you wonder why the world is dabbling into the occult and witchcraft?
I created you and every single human being with a body, soul and spirit. The spirit part of you is crying out for relationship and experiences with Me.
The world is searching, high and low for Me while My Bride is hiding under the bed.
Don’t be afraid of what you don’t see. It’s not that you ‘can’t’ see it, it’s that you don’t see it … yet.
My call for you to come up higher is so you can see your world from My perspective – both the natural and the spiritual.
In the spirit realm are where your answers lie, the ones you have been searching for.
Close your eyes, what do you see?
I use your imagination to speak to you, to show you My plans, My ways, and My heart.
Close your eyes, what do you see?
A fleeting picture, a colour, an outline … don’t dismiss it.
Record what I show you for then I will reveal more to you.
Do not be afraid. You can trust that I only have the best for you.
The world needs My answers. Will you be the conduit of my hope?
It’s time for My Bride to sit with Me and listen to My words.
The world needs you!
Will you come up higher?
Will you be part of the solution?”
The Bible says:
"Come close to God, and God will come close to you." James 4:8a (NLT)
It doesn’t say that you have to strive, spend 2 hours on your face or be up at 3am every morning to try and find God.
(If you want to get up and spend 2 hours on your face, that’s totally great too. Meet with God however suits you.)
I’m just saying that you can “come close to God” while you are going about your everyday routine. Driving, washing up, waiting somewhere, going to bed … it doesn’t matter where. God has made it so you can connect with Him anywhere and at anytime.
Now, before you say that you can’t, you are wired for connection – both with God and with people.
You just might need to discover how Holy Spirit specifically communicates with you.
Ask Him to show you. He is so passionate about communicating with you.
What stood out to you today? Do you want to experience more of God and His realm?
Post in the comments below so we can be encouraged too.
You are adored and loved by all of Heaven. That’s how important and seen you are.
Abundant blessings to you.

Photo by Ylanite Koppens from Pexels
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