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How to Have a Powerful Life – Part 1

How to Have a Powerful Life – Part 1

christian life Feb 18, 2020

Do you feel like you lack supernatural power to get through each day, and maybe even be frustrated in your walk with Jesus and wonder how to move past whatever it is that seems to be standing in your way?

Never fear … there is an answer!

To have a truly powerful life, here is the first of 3 important keys that need to be worked on in your life to get there.

Whatever is hidden must be brought out into the light – Jesus’ Light.

I sometimes make a homemade beef stock. I cook the cow bones, the veggies and the seasoning in a slow cooker for at least 48 hours. It gets cooked for so long to get the nutrients out of all the ingredients.

Along with all the goodness comes the fat – the part that you definitely don’t want to eat. I strain the stock and let it cool and the fat rises to the top and solidifies. Once that happens, it’s so easy to lift the fat, as a whole, from the top of the stock and you then have a pure, nutritious drink or additive to other meals.

You see in Luke 6:45 it says,

“… For the overflow of what has been stored in your heart will be seen by your fruit and will be heard in your words.”

Luke 6:45 (TPT)

Whatever is going on in your soul and in your heart, will eventually come out in your life, or rise to the surface, in your actions and your words – ESPECIALLY in how you treat people. God is very big on how you treat others.

An incident happened in my life recently that rocked my world.

I have been praying for the last few months to have whatever is not of God (is hidden) in my life to be revealed and removed. I don’t want anything that blocks my relationship with the Lord. Over this time, He has done just that and it has been very, very painful but also extremely freeing.

I had stepped out in faith and my life seemed to be on track, when I was tormented terribly by the enemy. Negative, distressing thoughts wouldn’t leave me alone. They were shouting louder in my head than I’d ever heard them before. I had the enemy physically in my room, keeping me awake so I couldn’t sleep. When I did get to sleep, he would shake me to wake me up, bash loudly on our bedroom door (no-one else heard it) or stand right near me so I would feel a presence and wake up. I can go 2 nights without much sleep but this became many nights.

I sought the help of a wonderful coach and she showed me that I had subconsciously been worshipping the lies that I had been told throughout my life about myself.

You see, anything that you think about on a regular basis that has some control or influence over your life, that is not of God, is an idol. If something is bigger than God in your own mind, it’s called idolatry. A huge “No no”!

This is part of what was hidden. Because of this, I had pushed the most important people out of my heart and I didn’t even realise it. This hurt desperately and it nearly severed these relationships but I repented, apologised to those I had affected and something broke over me.

(A side note: It is OK to set boundaries and severely limit the amount of exposure you have to the people who manipulate, lie to and try to control you. Father God will help you set these boundaries. He truly is OK with it.)

Lies create filters in your life that prevent you from seeing the truth

One Sunday in church, the Lord showed me a picture of me standing and what every lie I believed looked like in the spirit realm. Each lie was like a different coloured filter that was draped over me. There were so many of them it was shocking.

The Lord told me that these filters (lies) were preventing me from seeing and hearing the truth of what He has to say about me and to me. It also stops you and me from letting people into our lives and believing that what they have to say or do for us is kind and good. It’s like the saying, to look through ‘rose coloured glasses’ distorts the truth.

Lies distort God’s truth and these filters must be removed.

This was my biggest hidden thing that needed to be brought out into the light – so far.

If you, me and the Church as a whole know who we actually are in Jesus, how much we are loved by Father God, what we have access to and how much authority we have, the world would look nothing like it does now!

This is the enemy’s main plan – to stop you seeing how powerful and amazing you are because of Jesus living inside you!

What lies are hidden in your life that need to be revealed and removed?

When challenges and trials come, which they will, it’s what is truly in you that spews out in actions and words.

If you are human, you will have said things that you wish you could take back. The thing is, those words came out of what is hidden in your heart and soul.

Wouldn’t you like to be a person who is more able to stay peaceful, to be in control of your emotions, and have the words that stabilise most situations?

The only way to do this is to deal with your ‘stuff’ that is hidden deep inside of you.

Is it painful? I won’t lie. The answer is a loud, resounding “YES” but is it worth it? ABSOLUTELY!

The thing to remember is, you are never alone. Jesus promised that He would never leave you and He doesn’t lie. He will help you walk through this journey. He will surround you with the people that you need and who will support and love you. All you have to do is ask Him for help.

The Father’s main purpose for you is to be in relationship with Him. Don’t you think He would do anything to help you do that?

There’s still so much to say so I will end here and continue with the next key in the following post.

What are your thoughts on this? Would you be prepared to pray this prayer? Do you recognise any lies that you believe that you don’t want in your mind anymore? Please share below and let’s encourage each other.

Stay tuned for the next key, next time.

Many, many blessings of truth and life to you!

How to Have a Powerful Life – Part 2

How to Have a Powerful Life – Part 3

(Photo Credit:

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