Have you ever been in a challenging time where you felt that a blanket was covering you and you felt like you were suffocating? Silly question, I know. You most certainly could be feeling this way today. You have even tried to explain your pain, fear and confusion to someone and you have been dismissed or they turn around and say, “I understand” and then proceed to launch into their own story. I just want to scream when they do that to be honest. Even your chest hurts to breathe and no matter how hard you looked, you couldn’t even catch a glimpse of light at the end of the proverbial tunnel?
If you are alive and reading this, then of course the answer will be a resounding “YES!”
We are coming up to Easter and ‘Pentecost’.
Both of these celebrations are all about life and life abundant – the very life that Jesus rose again for and sent Holy Spirit to give us.
What does Easter and Pentecost have to do with challenging times?
If you have submitted your life to Jesus and Holy Spirit is living in you, guiding your life, He has a great deal to do with your challenging times.
Our family has had a very difficult week with demonic opposition (a story for another time) and I have been deeply hurt by 2 people that I highly respected. I am annoyed when the demonic messes with me but it’s a whole other ballgame when my family are involved. Definitely NOT OK! I am intentionally not holding onto offence but the warfare has been fierce and tiring and the pain is very real.
As I sat with Jesus telling Him about what was going on inside my heart, He gave me a lot of insight into what was going on and the healing began. I was then thinking about many people that I know and I began wondering what was holding them back from stepping into a personal and intimate relationship with God as their loving Father.
A big part of it is the religious spirits that like to control. As long as God stays in a neat little box and doesn’t upset anyone, life is good. But as soon as Holy Spirit breaks out and disturbs the normal way of things, the religious spirits have a LOT to say. It is their plan to shove Holy Spirit back into the box, keep God’s children locked up and bound and never receive the healing and freedom that Jesus came to freely give.
It’s heartbreaking to watch.
Freedom, healing and wholeness is what Holy Spirit brought to everyone on the day of Pentecost.
The second thing that the Lord said to me was this:
“My people can’t rejoice when they don’t know how passionately they’re loved.”
Another thing that religious spirits love to do is prevent people from knowing that they are truly loved by their Creator. As soon as you hear condemnation and guilt coming at you, most of the time it is a religious spirit.
The Pharisees were very good at keeping people in their place and were pretty good at keeping God in His place, or so they thought, until Jesus showed up.
When Jesus shows up, there is EVERY reason to rejoice!
There are many times mentioned in the Bible where people rejoiced.
The dictionary says that to rejoice is “to feel or express great joy or happiness.”
Have a think about it. Are you able to rejoice or ‘express great joy’ when you are overwhelmed with worry, hurt, or confusion? Is it easy to calm your thoughts when you think that you are all alone, you have no-one to help you and there is no solution in sight?
It’s much easier to be glad in your heart, even when things go wrong, when you know that you are never alone and that someone else has all the answers that you need. It’s a relief to know that they are willing to give you those answers and help you every step of the way because they love you deeply and unconditionally.
Don’t you think?
Knowing that you are deeply and passionately loved by your Creator and Heavenly Father will make a huge difference in your life.
Life happens – both the good and the bad.
Just knowing that there is someone else who loves you and can actually protect, provide and help you is of great comfort.
One of my favourite stories in the Bible is when Paul and Silas were in jail in Acts 16. It was cold and damp, they were in chains that were cutting into their skin, they would have been tired and hungry, yet they still rejoiced in their God. Why? Because they knew how important they were to God and they knew the privilege of partnering alongside Him for the purposes of advancing the Kingdom of God.
They knew they were loved!
It is not a burden to rejoice, to pray, to worship, to spend time with God when you know how much He loves you. You do it out of love in return. It’s such a tremendous privilege.
Above all else, God wants intimate relationship with you. Everything comes out of that; submission, blessing, obedience, protection, provision, love.
So, how do you persevere in challenging times?
Discover the One who loves you above all else. Get to know His character. Read the first 5 books of the New Testament. Ask Holy Spirit to reveal to you the heart of Jesus. See how Jesus acted towards people who came to Him. He never shunned anyone away, no matter their vocation, their reputation, or their need. Jesus said, “If you have seen Me you have seen the Father.” (John 14:9). Jesus is the perfect representation of God.
There is no reason to fear coming before God, just as you are.
Today, no matter what situation you find yourself in, I encourage you to ask the Lord to show you His great and abounding love for you, in a personal way that you understand.
The more revelation you receive of how important you are and how adored you are by God, the more you will be able to persevere and rejoice, no matter the circumstances.
Please share your thoughts below. I would love to hear your experiences with discovering God’s love for yourself. If you are still yet to have a revelation of this, be honest and we’d love to pray with you and for you. God WANTS to reveal His deep and tender love for you.
As always, many, many blessings to you.

(Photo Credit: www.canva.com)
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