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Is There More Than This?

Is There More Than This?

christian life Apr 24, 2018

Tend The Sheep Where You Are

I was feeling so frustrated about all the needs around the world, and even in my own little world and I was sharing this with my amazing husband. He processes his thoughts (which I admire and irritates me all at the same time) and so after a short time of quiet reflection he turned to me and said, “Sometimes you just have to tend the sheep where you are before you can be the king.” As soon as he said those words, I felt God’s presence rest on me and I knew what he was saying was true.

Do you feel in the very depths of your being that you were created for more but the situation you find yourself in, right at this second, doesn’t reflect that feeling?

Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE homeschooling our children alongside being a wife and mum, and I don’t want to be an actual king, but there is more inside of me that wants to burst out. Eventually our children will leave home and I know that I was created for something else as well as being a mum.

Can you relate? Are you doing something right now that doesn’t completely fill that spot in your soul?

What is the dream and desire that you have deep in your heart that you may be scared to let out in case the excitement of it becoming a reality becomes too much?

Do you know that God put that dream within you in the first place?

Psalm 37:4 (GNT) says, “Seek your happiness in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desire.”

My heart is to share who Jesus really is and to build up Believer’s to discover their true identity in Christ by hearing His voice for themselves.

Being a homeschooling mum, I don’t venture too far. I know others do but this is where we are at the moment, and that’s ok. I was asking Jesus who I can minister to and He literally brings people to me …… at home! The couriers, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, donation collectors for various organisations.

A few weeks ago, a young man came to the door from an organisation and we got to talking. I saw a huge angel standing behind him so I brought the conversation around to the Lord. He wasn’t interested but I couldn’t get past this angel. Eventually it came out that he was a very confused Believer who had been disillusioned by the Church and was looking for other options. He knew the Bible extremely well but didn’t know that Jesus loved him, just as he was. I kept encouraging him and letting him know that above all else, God is a God of love and nothing can separate him from God’s love except himself not receiving it.

I explained about the angel (which made total sense now) and by the time he left, he was honestly thinking about seeking God for who He truly is, not for who he was taught He was.

You may not think this a big thing but God needs us to be missionaries at home too. It isn’t only people overseas who need Jesus. People in our own backyard, or even at our front door, do too.

Even though I do feel a strong sense of ‘something else’, I count it an extreme honour and privilege to teach our children the ways of the Lord. Each morning we read the Bible together or listen to a teaching by a well-known speaker and then ultimately, great discussion ensues.

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones.”  Luke 16:10 (NLT)

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…”  Zechariah 4:10 (NLT)

To all the stay at home mums out there, be encouraged! The Lord sees you and is pleased with your sacrifice.

To all the mums who work, the Lord loves you desperately and is proud of you for helping to provide for your children.

To everyone else, whoever and wherever you are, man, woman and child, remember ….. YOU are a very important piece of God’s puzzle. Without you, the world would not function as it does. God loves you intensely and has much for you to do.

Don’t give up on the dream that is deep within you. God put it there for a reason and He is faithful in bringing His plans to fruition.

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”  Galatians 6:9 (NLT)


What is your dream that bubbles inside of you? Please share below so we can all encourage you in your dreams.

Bless you.

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