Each day comes and goes – the sun rises and sets.
Good things happen and bad things happen and the dawn always comes.
Time stops for no man …
… how true this is.
Wait world! Something amazing just happened. Stop and take a look!
Stop!!! A death has occurred, your breath is taken away yet the world around you goes on.
What’s happening?!
Have you been there before?
If so, this word is for you today.
“My child, it’s time for you to be you.
It’s time for you to be who I created you to be.
You are not a wallflower.
Your voice needs to be heard.
When one seed dies, new life is formed.
Rejoice, for your name is written in Heaven! (Luke 10:20)
Do you not know that I have given you power and authority to change the world?
Do you not see that I am right with you, no matter what happens?
Oh how my heart leaps when I look at you!
Oh how I adore you when I think of you!
How I long for you to know you just how I know you …
… wonderful, amazing, powerful, strong, gentle and full of hope, joy and life.
All the things that you are great at are for My glory and your enjoyment.
See how we partner together?
Situations, both great and heartbreaking will happen around you, but I never change.
On Me you can rely.
I have you in my arms.
I rejoice with you when miracles happen and cry over you when your heart is aching.
When you don’t know what to do, I will hold you tight.
Take one step at a time for I am in each and every moment, right there with you.
I will never leave you, My child.
Rejoice in the good for there is more to come.
Grieve in the loss for My comfort is there.
The new is coming … for it is here. Do you see it?
I have so much blessing in store for you. I can’t wait for you to receive it!
I hold you tenderly as a freshly cut flower.
You are so beautiful in my eyes.
Your uniqueness and beauty are so very precious to me.
Don’t let anyone sway you from being who I created you to be.
I love and adore you, just the way you are … RIGHT NOW!
Hold tight to me as a young child holds tight to their father’s hand in a crowd.
I will never let go of you. Don’t let go of Me.
Even in the depths of sorrow you can run with Me.
We can run through the fields together, free and full of love, joy and hope.
This is My gift to you!
Put your complete focus on me for a moment for this is where joy and lightness of heart is found.
This is where healing and comfort will be poured over you in abundance to overflowing.
Here you will see and experience My smile and passionate adoration for you.
Come to me with a heart of worship today.
Worship is not for Me. It’s for you to see Me – just as I am.
It’s time to relax into who you really are – despite what others say or think.
Here is where I am waiting … JUST FOR YOU!”
Don’t let anyone stop your light and your brilliance
from being poured out onto others … for you see,
this is what brings others to Me.
You are exactly how I want you to be.
I am smoothing off the rough edges but you are a mighty vessel whom I can work in and through.
I want you … just as you are … right now!“
I always marvel at the kindness and gentleness of Father God. Do you see that side of Him?
Yes, He is all powerful and magnificent but that’s the thing about God – He can be all at the exact same time.
God doesn’t want you to be perfect
before you come to Him.
He just wants your “YES”
and He’ll take care of the rest.
Are you ready to give Him your “YES” today?
I can guarantee you, you will not regret it.
Please let us know below how this message from God’s heart has spoken to you today. How has it touched your heart? In what way have you seen a different side of Father God?
Whatever your situation is today, you can know, without a shadow of a doubt that God sees you and that He is right there with you.
YOU are that important to Him!
I pray this word encourages you today and in the seasons to come.
As always, abundant blessings to you, now and forevermore.

Photo by Prateek Katyal from Pexels
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