Where to start ….
How awesome is Jesus! That’s a good place.
To think that the King of Glory CHOSE to come down to earth, to be amongst people who would love Him one moment and in the next, would deny Him and want Him killed. He left His place of safety, of fun, of pure love and enjoyment, of total intimacy with His Father, just so He could be a perfect example to us on how to live on earth and make a difference in this world. Only someone who loves us, who loves YOU, would do that.
As I settle into the beginning of the 5 month Jesus fast (feast), I am truly excited to learn more about my Saviour, Lord and Friend.
I have always found John 15 fascinating and encouraging. Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches. Branches need something to attach themselves to stay alive. The council ripped out a huge tree from the footpath in front of our house and when I asked them for another one, the guy kindly complied. He planted it and it is going great. I looked out to the small tree one day and noticed that there were 2 very different types of leaves growing from the one tree. Very odd. I discovered, upon closer observation, that a new plant was growing from the thin trunk of the tree. Nope. I wasn’t having that. I got the big shears and lopped it right off! It was attached to the trunk in a few places so I cut them all off. It wasn’t meant to be there. It was sucking the life right out of the tree.
I have had another plant for almost 25 years that I got from my grandfather who was an amazing gardener. It stayed the same size for years and years. We moved the pot near the fence and after a few months, we noticed that the plant was having a huge growth spurt. How was this happening? The plant wasn’t growing because it wasn’t getting enough nutrients from the soil in the pot. Roots began growing out of the top of the pot down the side of the fence, about 1 metre, into the neighbours soil. It was looking for nourishment to grow. I only discovered it because I went to move the pot and I couldn’t. Me, not being the avid gardener, didn’t put 2 and 2 together …. yet. I know, I know. You know what’s coming don’t you. Yes, I did. I cut the roots. Dumb idea. Once again, the plant was withering.
I did put 2 and 2 together and I moved the pot again but to the edge of the concrete. I had found a fresh, green root and strategically placed the pot so the root was close to the ground. It had about 15cm to grow before it would hit the soil. I did that about a month ago and the root is almost there. The root is looking for nourishment, something to give it life.
Mankind in their desperation to be loved, accepted and finding purpose, attaches themselves to almost anything they feel will give them nourishment and life. They are searching for it whether they find it in the right places or not.
What might you have attached yourself to in order to find purpose, nourishment for your soul and a feeling of a better life? Is your attachment giving you the life that you dreamed of? Are your actions, behaviours, and words bearing fruit and bringing people closer to Jesus?
Jesus is the vine and God is the Vinedresser.
Many years ago I decided to attach myself to Jesus, as much as I knew how, and I asked God to lop off anything that was not of Him. I should have realised it at the time that the answers to my prayers were going to hurt. I still pray that prayer and yes, it still hurts but the pain lasts for a shorter time now and the results are well worth it! Does Jesus enjoy it when we are in pain? No, but sometimes there is most definitely greater gain with greater pain. He only does it when we allow Him to and for our benefit. Everything He does is for our ….. your success.
He loves you. Are you willing to make your life count for Jesus by putting your attachment fully to Him? Attach yourself to Jesus. Make Him your everything. Make Him the place where you get your purpose, your nourishment, your life.
Read through John 15:1-11 and see for yourself the benefits of being attached to the Vine – to Jesus.
Trust me, it’s well worth it. He is waiting for you with open arms ………..
Have you prayed the prayer before of asking Jesus to remove anything from your life that is not of Him, to have your branches ‘lopped’ off that don’t bear fruit? I would love to hear your journeys in the comments below.
Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook for daily encouragement and insight.
Until next time, many blessings to you.
(Title Photo Credit: www.pixabay.com)
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