He really does. Jesus does love you.
I have been thinking about how Jesus drew people to Himself as shared in the books of the Bible – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Jesus drew people to Himself by His love and kindness for them.
My son’s car lights and windscreen wipers stopped working as he was trying to get home from a night shift. Not a good time for these things to stop working, considering it was 3am and that it had been raining for almost a week. I drove the car home the next day, a 35 minute drive, praying for the rain to cease. It was only sprinkling so it wasn’t too bad. I was praising Jesus that it wasn’t raining heavily as it was earlier that morning and right before I began driving home. My heart was so grateful and I was overwhelmed by God’s goodness that He should care for such a seemingly small thing in the big scheme of life. Instantly, I felt as I imagined Peter did when He had a revelation of Jesus’ goodness.
Jesus had just told Peter to throw out the nets after they had been fishing all night and caught nothing. They brought in such a huge haul and because of this kindness extended to the fishermen, Peter turned to Jesus and said, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful, man, O Lord.” In that moment, I had a glimpse of God’s awesome goodness and love for us, for me. It also brought to light that the God of the universe should care so much to not let it rain heavily so I could get home safely. As soon as I got home, it really rained hard.
(The end of the story was that God supernaturally fed power back into the fuse box and no-one could work out how it happened. But God!)
I am nothing special. I am a regular human being, just the same as everyone else on the planet. I have done SO many things wrong yet, He still loves me. That overwhelms me. It’s nothing about what you have or haven’t done. He loves you, all the same. We all have different gifts, talents, spheres of influence, and spotlights but ultimately, we are all the same. Just as God did this for me, He would do it for you too.
It’s God’s Love That Brings People To Himself.
It’s His goodness, not condemnation, that draws unbelievers and believers alike to follow and worship Him.
As I was processing the day’s events, I was recalling the stories in the Bible about the people who came to Jesus. A woman ‘of the city’ came to Jesus with a bottle of expensive perfume, to wash His feet, as an act of worship. She was considered a ‘really bad sinner’ by the people of her day and yet she was never judged or condemned by Jesus. She had no fear of coming to Him. She knew what she had done was wrong yet, she encountered the unfathomable love of Jesus and could do nothing but worship and serve Him. (Luke 7:36-50)
Peter (my favourite character), “threw himself into the sea” from his fishing boat and went running to Jesus who was cooking him breakfast on the shore. (John 21:9-13) Keep in mind, this is the same man who had denied Jesus 3 times only days before (John 18). Jesus had nothing but love for Peter, No judgment. No condemnation.
“There is therefore now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1) There really isn’t.
Jesus came to bring abundant (John 10:10) He came to earth to bring light to your situations, to give you answers, to give you hope because He IS the Light of the world (John 8:12). He did not come to judge you but to save it (John 12:47).
Jesus Does Love YOU!
I felt that the Lord really wants me to share with you today, that He really does love you. Yes YOU!
No matter what you have done, He loves you. No matter what has been done to you, He loves you. No matter what choices you have made that led you to this point, good or bad, He loves you. His love for you has never changed and it never will. That you can count on.
Jesus is not ashamed of you. He has very broad shoulders and He can cope with whatever you have done. Do you think He doesn’t know it already? He sees and knows everything. No thought, act or word is so bad that He cannot or will not forgive it. How awesome is that!
We all need to feel loved and accepted. God made us to need that ….. to need Him.
Christianity is ALL ABOUT RELATIONSHIP. It’s not about rules and regulations. When you have someone who truly loves you, you want to do things that please them. It’s the same with Jesus. If you are serving Him because you feel that you have to, because you are afraid of Him punishing you, you desperately need a revelation of His intense love for you. I understand. I lived like that.
Jesus stands at the door of your life and knocks (Revelation 3:20). He wants to meet with you exactly where you are. No matter what you look like, feel like, talk like or think like. He stands with open arms ready to embrace you with more love than you could ever imagine.
Are you willing to step out and receive His love today? Take a chance. Jesus won’t let you down.
My Prayer For You.
Lord Jesus, how amazing is your love for us. I pray that Your love will totally consume the precious one reading this prayer right now. Invade their life with your embrace and your overwhelming goodness. Help them to see themselves, just as You see them. Envelop them with your pleasure and delight as you look upon their beauty. Everything You create, You look upon and say, “It is good.” You created this amazing human being, Your child. Help them to be so aware of Your loving presence today that they will never be the same. We praise You, Jesus, for only You are worthy of praise. I declare Your love to wash over Your beautiful child today, this moment. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
You are truly a very precious person, There is no-one else in the world like you. God created you for a specific purpose that only you can fulfil. Choose to receive His love for you today. It will change your life forever.
Many blessings to you,
(Photo Credit: www.pexels.com)
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