Have you ever had a prophetic word given to you and you became truly excited at the thought of it coming to pass? Did it scare the beejeebers out of you? Did it sound so outlandish that you knew it could ONLY be God that could pull it off?
(If you haven’t received a prophetic word yet, don’t worry. I will tell you how you can get one at the end of the post.)
Would you be surprised to know that Scripture says that prophecy is actually a ‘weapon of warfare’?
“Timothy, my child, I’m giving you these instructions based on the prophecies that were once made about you. So if you follow them, you can wage a good war.” 1 Timothy 1:18 (CEV)
Isn’t this exciting!
If you have them, (I hope you have written them down or at least have them recorded on a type of device) pull out those prophetic words that were either given to you by someone else, or the ones that God has given to you personally – either through the Word or via Holy Spirit.
Read through them, or listen to them, put them in a place where you can look at or listen to them on a regular basis, and think about them everyday. Imagine what it looks like when those prophecies are fulfilled.
How to Imagine
This may sound logical but many people don’t know how to sit still and use their imagination for a period of time. At first, for some, it isn’t as easy as it sounds.
As an example, I will describe how I do it regarding the new house that our family wants to move into.
- I sit in a quiet place with no distractions. Dare I say the bathroom is sometimes the only place where I don’t get interrupted – sometimes.
- I close my eyes and begin thinking about the house.
- I ask myself these questions and then think about the answers without rushing:
- What does it look like from the outside?
- What do the surrounding trees and flowers smell like?
- What is the first room that I walk into through the front door?
- What can I see?
- What does the flooring feel like beneath my feet?
- What decorations can I see?
- How many rooms are there in the house?
- What are my family members doing in the rooms of the house?
You get the picture. Engage all of your senses in your imagination. What can you see, smell, feel, taste, and hear around you? The more you do this, the easier it becomes and the more excited you feel about it all happening. I love doing this. I can see our whole house in my mind’s eye – my imagination. It’s so much fun!
When you are in this place, it’s very hard for the demonic to attack your thoughts. It’s because you are focusing on what the Lord has shown you or told you about your future. The only person that can stop the prophecy from taking place is you. God is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19) so you can believe the word that He gave you. Hold onto it and each time the lying devil comes to you with bad news about you or your future, remind yourself of the prophecy that the Lord has given you and put your mind on that. Philippians 4:8 says to “think on things that are praiseworthy” etc. Anything that the Lord wants to give you is praiseworthy indeed!
Meditating on these pictures also puts God in the highest place in your mind because He is the only one that can construct such an amazing plan for you. Meditating just means to consider something for a period of time or rolling it around in your mind. Trust me. If you can worry, you can meditate. That’s all that meditation is. You can either keep thinking about the praiseworthy things or about the things that you can do nothing about.
A Note About Prophecies
Prophecies don’t happen on their own. We need to partner with God to make them come to pass. If you received a prophecy, shoved it in your underwear draw and never looked at it since, nothing much will happen. However, if you read or listen to it on a regular basis, the Lord will lead you in the steps that you need to take to bring it to pass. If you need to study, find out where the courses are and sign up. If you need to make connections with others of similar interests, join a social media group of that interest. If it’s something that you don’t know too much about or are not too confident in, read about it or even look for a mentor who could help you.
Don’t be passive about your word. Don’t let it die with you. That’s what the enemy wants.
Don’t let him win!
Receiving Your Own Prophetic Word
As I said at the beginning of the email, if you have not yet received a prophetic word or you would like to receive another one, put your name in the comments below or send me an email via the contact form and I’ll send you a personal word. It’s one of my favourite things to do to seek the Lord to see what He has for others.
May I encourage you to keep looking at the words spoken over you, partner with God, and enjoy the ride!
Bless you.
Keys For Spiritual Warfare
Key #1 – Know Who You Are
Key #2 – All You Need Is …
Key #3 – Silence is Golden
Key #4 – Know Your True Enemy
Key #5 – Prophecy – Your Secret Weapon
Key #6 – Thanksgiving and Praise
Key #7 – Sing Your Victory Song
Key #8 The Truth That WILL Set You Free!
Key #9 Conversations With God
Key #10 Stand In Your Victory
(Photo Credit: www.pexels.com)
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