This is such an powerful way to fight against Satan. Not only is it a weapon of warfare, it makes you feel SO GOOD!
So, what are you grateful for today?
Terri Savelle-Foy consistently says, “Don’t look at what you don’t have, focus on what you DO have.”
I have discovered, even amidst the most challenging times, there is always something to be grateful for.
We received news that our financial situation was about to drastically change. Instead of seeking the Lord first, my mouth went into anxiety mode. Not a good idea. My words gave the anxiety a good helping of energy and I became quite fearful. Sadly, it took a couple of days before I dragged myself into the corner and gave myself a good talking to.
I told God that I didn’t know what we were going to do but then I told him of all the miraculous ways He had provided for our family so far. I praised Him for being Jehovah Jireh (God is Provider) and thanked Him for looking after us in the future. He had never let us down so far and I knew He wouldn’t in the future.
One week after this, I received a letter saying that not only were we not losing any money but we were also gaining a small amount! Woo hoo!
Psalm 100:4 (NLT) says:
“Enter his gates with thanksgiving;
go into his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him and praise his name.”
This is ALWAYS how we should enter into our conversation with God – with thanksgiving and praise.
A Miracles Book
One way that you can remind yourself of all that God has done and is doing in your life is by keeping a record of them in a book, or on your phone or electronic gadget. I have a ‘Miracles Book’ and when things get tough, I read through it and it isn’t long before I am reminded of how good God is and that He has never let me down. It will increase your faith and you can thank Him for the things that He has done in your past, and all that He will do in your future. I have another book with the hopes and dreams that God has given me for our future. I look at these on a consistent basis and these too give me a nutritional dose of faith.
He has you in the palm of His hand and He’ll never let you go.
God is good ALL THE TIME.
This is the first thing you must meditate on otherwise the enemy has you in his grip non stop.
The devil is a thief (John 10:10). What does he steal? He steals the truth that God is good and the truth of who you really are in Christ. If you can get a hold of these 2 things in the very depths of your belief system, you will become unstoppable for the Kingdom of Light and the devil’s darkness will not be able to penetrate you at all.
Practical Steps
We enter God’s gates with thanksgiving.
- Take a few minutes to get into a place where you can sit by yourself.
- Set a timer for 5 minutes and list everything that you can think of that you are grateful for. Even if it is as simple as you have a bed to sleep in, you have clothes to wear today, you have had something to eat today.
- Think about what God has done for you so far and write it down too.
- Read over your list. It might just surprise you how much you do have to be thankful for.
- Tell God just how thankful you are for all of these things.
We enter God’s courts with praise.
- Tell the Lord what you love about Him.
- Tell Him what He means to you.
- If you get stuck, look in the Psalms. Some suggestions are: Psalm 92, Psalm 103, Psalm 145.
- Declare the goodness of God.
- Sing, dance, paint, design, create, cook, your heart out. Whatever you love to do, do it with enthusiasm, passion and excellence.
All of these things are ways to praise the Lord.
I would love to hear how you go with this exercise. It doesn’t take long to do but it has lasting benefits and far reaching effects. It has the potential to change the course of your day. It allows God to work in places that may have not been open to Him in your life before. Please share your experiences in the comments below so that we can rejoice with you.
Many blessings to you today.
Keys For Spiritual Warfare
Key #1 – Know Who You Are
Key #2 – All You Need Is …
Key #3 – Silence is Golden
Key #4 – Know Your True Enemy
Key #5 – Prophecy – Your Secret Weapon
Key #6 – Thanksgiving and Praise
Key #7 – Sing Your Victory Song
Key #8 The Truth That WILL Set You Free!
Key #9 Conversations With God
Key #10 Stand In Your Victory
(Photo Credit: www.pexels.com)
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