Prayer is an interactive partnership with a loving Heavenly Father.
I just love my conversations with God. They are so precious to me.
This is what prayer is: A TWO-WAY CONVERSATION WITH GOD.
Conversations (prayer) can happen any place at any time. There are no restrictions in talking with God.
There are so many teachings out there on how to pray, what prayer is, how long to pray, where you can pray, etc. To be honest, I have read quite a few of them and as wonderful as they are, it all boils down to this one thing ……
Many years ago the Lord gave me this equation:
If you want to defeat the enemy of your very life and soul, you simply must have these 3 things.
Simply put, the closer you are in relationship with God and the more you do what He tells you to do; the more power, answered prayers and breakthrough you will have in your life.
Finding out who you truly are is vital and completely dependent upon your relationship with your Heavenly Father. You won’t know who you are until you know whose you are and what your Father God is like. (I wrote about this here)
Two-Way Conversations
For me this is totally normal – now. It took me a while to distinguish between which voice is God, His Heavenly Kingdom, the demonic realm or just mine. You see, all the voices sound like your voice inside your head. However, there are different intonations, levels of peace or frustration, or just plain goodness or evil. It takes practise and you too can learn to hear His voice if you are not already.
I used to think that this was normal for everyone. It wasn’t until people looked at me blankly when I said, “God told me,” and then they proceeded to call me strange, weird, or that I even needed to be put in a straight jacket and taken off by the ‘men in white coats’. It was then that I realised not everyone did indeed hear with the same clarity as me. It didn’t mean that they couldn’t, it just meant that they didn’t … yet.
Am I special? No more than you or anyone else. I have just learned, through the years, to just sit and listen. You can do the same. I don’t always get it right and I do ask for a lot of confirmation at times, but it does become much easier the more you do it.
I love this version of John 10:27 in the Amplified Classic:
“The sheep that are My own hear and are listening to My voice; and I know them, and they follow Me.”
You are a metaphorical sheep if you have surrendered your life to Jesus Christ. You WILL hear the Shepherd’s (Jesus) voice if you are actively listening for and to Him. It really is incredibly exciting that the Creator of the universe wants to have intimate conversations with us!
Prayer is a Warfare Key
The Lord told me once that 80% of our battles are first won in the prayer closet – that private place with just you and God. I have found this to be absolutely true.
For instance, right now I can see a real volcano brewing underneath a situation with some people that I know. I am not in a position where I can step in and say something so I went to the Lord about it. He showed me what is happening in the spirit realm and told me how to pray. This is my job for the moment.
I have learnt that not every situation needs to be immediately confronted. Sometimes it’s just your job to sit back, listen to Holy Spirit, pray and watch what God does. Sometimes He does get you to say something but not always. At times, when we step in and say something, it can hinder what God is trying to do. I learnt that the hard way.
Have you had this experience?
I wrote about upside down prayers here and how to pray for specific situations. It’s about how to hear God’s answer and pray for that answer to come about.
To all the mums out there, let me encourage you: the enemy and his kingdom hate praying mothers. This is because you have such extraordinary influence in your children’s lives. Fantastic!
I have seen a lot of the demonic realm in my life and I can tell you, they hate it and totally freak out when mothers begin to pray for their families. It’s wonderful to see. I share my story here about a demon that tried to attack one of my sons but I stepped in. God showed up and now our beautiful young man is a teenager and such a delight.
Another thought.
Please don’t ask God to do what He told you to do – heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons and ultimately defeat the enemy. In Matthew 10:8, Jesus didn’t tell the disciples to go and pray and ask God to heal the sick. Jesus told them to do it. Obviously they couldn’t do it in themselves, they were doing it through the power of Holy Spirit living in them – the EXACT SAME SPIRIT that lives in you! You have the exact same power that Jesus did when He walked on the earth. Now that’s something to be excited about!
One last consideration ….
Do you pray from a place of fear or a place of trust and faith (relationship)?
There is no-one you can trust more than your Heavenly Father God, your Groom, Jesus and your Comforter, Holy Spirit.
Listen for His voice. Believe what He says. Go out and do it and change the world!!
You can do it!!
Take some time this week, even just 10 minutes, to sit and listen to God’s voice. Remember, His voice in your mind sounds like your own. I found it easier to journal at the start (I still journal today) and write down whatever thoughts come into your mind. You can read through it afterwards and ask the Lord to confirm to you what you heard. He is faithful and He will do it.
How did you find this exercise: was it easy? Difficult? What did you hear? Please let us know in the comments below. Don’t give up. It comes easier with practise.
Blessings to you this week.
Keys For Spiritual Warfare
Key #1 – Know Who You Are
Key #2 – All You Need Is …
Key #3 – Silence is Golden
Key #4 – Know Your True Enemy
Key #5 – Prophecy – Your Secret Weapon
Key #6 – Thanksgiving and Praise
Key #7 – Sing Your Victory Song
Key #8 The Truth That WILL Set You Free!
Key #9 Conversations With God
Key #10 Stand In Your Victory
(Photo Credit: www. pexels.com)
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