Do you wonder whether miracles happen today? Have you ever seen one happen before your very eyes? I think you might be surprised to realise that you have but you may not have recognised it because it didn’t come along with flashing lights.
God is truly amazing and indeed nothing is impossible for Him.
Today I want to share with you my amazing 50th birthday present from God. I pray this truly encourages you to pray for the impossible because it really is within your reach.
Let me fill you in with some background and then I will tell you of the amazing miracles we saw.
The Dream
16 years ago I heard Bill Johnson from Bethel Church in Redding, California come to a conference in Sydney. I sat there like a sponge, soaking in everything that he had to say. I instinctively knew that He had what I wanted – a deep and passionate relationship with Father God. He spoke about the miracles his church was seeing because of years of prayer and seeking the Lord’s presence to bring Heaven to earth. I wanted what Pastor Bill had more than anything.
During worship in the conference, a light sprinkling of gold dust appeared on my hands. Pastor Bill had spoken about it during one of the sessions and now it physically happened to me. Wow! It was so special.
Since then, I have been seeking the Lord for miracles, particularly healing miracles. Sickness and any type of pain is from the enemy, never from God, and my heart is to see it gone in my little world. I had been praying during this whole time to attend a conference at Bethel to receive an impartation of the healing anointing.
In January of 2017, I was in Prayer Time with our children where we practise listening to Holy Spirit’s voice. I saw a picture of me at the airport going to a conference at Bethel. It shocked me but I began to get excited. One month later, Holy Spirit said that I was going to Bethel sooner than I realised so I needed to obtain a passport. I brushed it aside (not a good idea) and 3 months later in another Prayer Time, Holy Spirit said to me, “I thought I told you to get a passport.” This time I didn’t question Him and I applied for a passport.
During the next month, Holy Spirit showed me pictures of dates, an airplane, a hotel room, me flying in a plane and Jesus being with me wherever I went in America.
I was so excited, I checked the dates for the Bethel Healing School and nothing matched up. A year went by and nothing matched up in that year either. What was going on? Did I miss God?
I put the dream to the back of my mind and got on with life. Fast forward to February of this year. I received a distressing email informing me that a beloved pastor who married us had cancer. 10 minutes later I received a text to pray for a lovely lady whom I used to work with who had had a massive heart attack and was being rushed to ICU. A holy anger rose up within me and I declared, “That’s it. I’m going to Bethel!” Sickness is NEVER ok and I wanted to do something about it.
I had already checked with my beautiful husband who was very kindly taking the time off to look after our children. I opened the computer and began researching. Everything fell into place – the dates, the airline, even down to the hotel room. Everything was exactly as Holy Spirit had shown me.
In May of this year, 2 weeks after my 50th birthday, I had the privilege of travelling with our 2 eldest sons and a friend to the Bethel Healing School. The Lord had provided the money, leave for my husband and 2 sons and everything little thing we needed.
I was surprised when I walked in to find an ordinary church with an extraordinary God. I don’t really know what I was expecting but it was so comforting to know that this same extraordinary God is the same all over the world. Whatever He is doing here in America, He can do anywhere else.
Miracles galore!
During this week we saw a lady who had come to the conference in the last stages of stage 4 cancer. She was in a wheelchair and on incredibly high medication for the intense pain. By the 3rd day of the School she was dancing on the stage and on no meds at all. Wow!
A man was healed of colour blindness and was so shocked when he saw what true colour was. All of our sons were colour blind but God has healed one of them so I believe He will heal the rest.
We saw a man’s leg grow out before our eyes and he previously had intense pain in his ankles, knees, hips, back and neck because of it. Once the leg grew out the pain was instantly gone. We stood watching him move his body about in ways that he couldn’t do for years. He was incredibly happy, it was so beautiful and moving to watch.
As I was sitting listening to other testimonies, I heard a man tell of how his foot was healed from pain. I know that we can claim testimonies for ourselves when we hear them so that’s what I did. I have had a pain in my right foot for almost a year but as soon as I claimed the healing as my own, the pain was gone. I can now move my foot around with no pain at all. Praise Jesus!
On the last night of the school, a tornado warning came up on my phone. Weird. We were in the middle of worship singing, “All Hail King Jesus” which brings me to tears every time I hear it. Suddenly, we all heard a very loud dull noise. We guessed it was actually hailing and it was confirmed when the back doors flew open and all we could see was white coming down. We had a hire car in the full carpark and I asked for God to blanket all the cars so that there would be no damage.
After the service, we all walked outside to see many leaves and small branches on the ground. The trees had been badly battered by the hail storm. We checked each car as we walked passed them and there was not one dent anywhere to be seen. It was incredible. This was a true miracle!
On our last day in Redding, we stopped by the hotel to collect our bags to leave for the airport. We had stayed in the hotel for 10 days so we got to know some of the staff there. As we were coming through the door, the lady behind the desk was having problems breathing because of allergies. I asked if I could pray for her and as I did a 5 second prayer, she stood up straight and announced, “I can breathe!” This was God reaching out to His beautiful daughter letting her know that He loves her so very much.
You ARE a saint, not a sinner.
You ARE the the righteousness of God in Christ.
You ARE a child of the living God!
The whole School was based on the fact that we are saints and not sinners, that God loves us so passionately and that it is ALWAYS His will to heal.
It is ALWAYS God’s will to heal.
I will write more about this in my next post but for now, begin to ponder this truth.
Miracles are real. I have seen a man miraculously come out of a coma, my uncle submit to Jesus while in a coma (God will use whatever it takes), a lady with completely destroyed ligaments walk in high heels 2 weeks later, headaches leave, hands be restored with full range of motion, as well as many other things. I want to see more of that.
People say that we should seek Jesus’ face first. If you read the first four books of the New Testament, you will see that most people sought His hand first – they came for healing – and Jesus never turned them away.
If you want to see the world around you turn to Jesus, pray for healing for them. People want to see action more than they want to hear words. This is an incredibly powerful evangelistic tool. I’ll talk more about this in the coming weeks also.
Seeing waves crash on the beach, seeing the mountains in the distance, seeing a baby in a pram, seeing the sun rise and set each day. These are all miracles. Don’t discount the seemingly small. Getting that parking spot that you needed, getting green lights when you’re in a hurry, having that item that you need or want marked cheaper than you expected are all miracles.
Yesterday, my son needed it to stop raining so he could load a B-Double truck. We had heard a testimony about declaring “blue sky” whilst in a storm so he took it to heart and began declaring “blue sky, blue sky”. The sky was covered with thick rain clouds. 10 minutes later, below is what the sky looked like. Hence to say, he and the load he was to place on the truck stayed dry.

This is miraculous! This is Father God showing this young man that He is interested in what matters to him and that He cares deeply for him. Our son is discovering who God is for him personally.
Don’t dismiss the seemingly small things. They are important too and they reveal your Heavenly Father’s heart towards you. Each day He is vying for your attention, through many means. God is not in a box. Don’t limit what He wants to do for you today.
I would love to hear the miracles that you have seen, no matter how small you may think they are. A miracle to you is a miracle. Please share them in the comments below. I pray that you all experience miracles in the coming days, weeks and years – because this is the life you were called to live.
I leave you with this quote by Bill Johnson,
“The impossible is a requirement, not an option.”
Bill Johnson
I love it!!
As always, many blessings to you.

Miracles Do Happen Today!
Does God Always Want To Heal You?
How To Pray For Healing – Part 1
How To Pray For Healing – Part 2
(Photo credit: www.canva.com)
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