I have been really struck by this quote by North America’s UCLA basketball coach John Wooden …
“When opportunity knocks, it’s too late to prepare.”
The Lord is releasing opportunities now for those who are aligned with His voice and His will.
This is happening in influential spheres all around the globe and is not strictly just for the Church.
Are you ready … because the world really does need YOU!
One example of being ready when opportunity presents itself is when Holy Spirit prompts you to talk to either a stranger, a family member, a work colleague or a friend about Jesus
Last week I was listening to a podcast by Michael Brodeur and he was saying how the gifts of the Spirit were such a priority in some churches that evangelism was taking a back seat. The gifts and flow of Holy Spirit are really important but must work alongside evangelism – not in place of.
I was immediately convicted of this and realised it was true in my own life. Confession time!
As I sat with our children during our prayer time together recently, we talked about what we would say if someone asked them about Christianity or Jesus.
Many ideas got thrown around and one of them was throwing in really hard questions that would have been exactly what someone might ask. We have talked about this before but in that moment, I realised how intentional I need to be in teaching our children how to talk to someone who knows nothing about Christianity – because this is the world we now live in.
We discussed and thought of a basic outline of what they could say. They used no ‘Christianese’ words (you know – words like ‘saved’ and ‘salvation’ and ‘righteous’). Many people today have no clue about Christianity or what these words mean. It can be like speaking Greek to them.
Do you know what to say if someone were to ask you, “So, what is this Jesus thing all about?”
Do your children know what to say?
This is one of the best courses I have ever seen on teaching ‘relational evangelism‘. It’s very down to earth and easy to do. I highly recommend watching their free videos to see what you think. (I am not affiliated with anyone that I recommend and receive no income from them.)
The Father’s Heart for His People …
As I was thinking and praying about the above quote, this is what I heard the Lord say …
“I love that My Church is focused on Me and loves to be together … but it’s time for the Church to leave the building.
Church was never meant to be a place to be kept ‘safe’ from the world.
It breaks My heart when I hear My people talking about how the world is getting darker.
My children, this should not be so!
Where are My lights? Are YOU not the light of the world? (Matt 5:14)
I am calling YOU forth to be My lights in the darkness. My children are out there hurting and lost, and they need to hear about Me too – just as you did.
My Church was never meant to be a place of safety.
It is meant to be a place of community, of refreshment, of equipping with tools to build one another up (Eph 4:12 & 1 Thess 5:11), to sow seeds and to reap a harvest so that the world would know that I am indeed good.
Do YOU know that I am good? Taste and see! (Ps 34:8)
My creation is crying out for Me (Rom 8:19). It’s awaiting for My sons and daughters to arise in the power and authority that I have given them.
The world is as it is because My children are asleep.
Wake up, O beautiful and powerful ones.
I am calling you forth onto the battlefield to conquer and celebrate victory.
Such a great reward is waiting for those who will fight for My children, for My creation.
Will you fight in the war that rages in the Heavenlies?
You do not have to fear because I have already won.
You get to walk in My victory.
The devil, the father of lies, loves to convince My children that they are powerless and unfruitful.
YOU have all of My power available to you, right now, today.
YOU have access to the Heavenly realms.
Angels have been released for you …
You are not alone … ever!
My Spirit is always with you but I have released to you angels that will help you fulfil your purpose on the earth.
Yes, I have designed you to play a huge part in My plan for the world.
Don’t be frightened because wherever you are, you have the potential to create a legacy for generations to come.
The seeds that you plant today will be watered by Holy Spirit and harvested by many.
You have no idea how many apples come from just one apple seed. It’s a never ending supply – as long as the apple seedlings, then trees are watered, fed, protected and loved.
Your life is no accident … despite what you were told or think.
You were designed specifically for the unique and
highly specialised purposes that you have been assigned.
I am about to open many new doors of opportunity that you have never been seen before.
This is not just reserved for the Church.
These opportunities for mighty influence are in all of the 7 mountains of influence:
1. Family
2. Religion – (Spirituality)
3. Business – (Economy, Finance)
4. Politics – (Government)
5. Education
6. Media – (Communication)
7. Arts – (Entertainment, Celebration, Sports)
Have you been seeking My heart and My will for your life?
Have you been growing and developing the gifts and skills that I have given you? (Matt 25:14-29)
Have you begun to deal with the hurts and pain of the past so that you can walk with your head held high in victory?
Get ready.
Doors are about to be flung open in your life and you need to be ready.
Say, “YES” to Me and I will lead you, guide you and provide you with all that you need to rise higher and higher in Me.
I love YOU and I love My world.
I hold My hand out to you … will you come with Me for the greatest adventure of your life?
I promise, it will be more than amazing!
Does this sound exciting to you?
I have personally found that the higher you walk in authority and power in the Lord, the closer your face must be to the ground.
When the doors open before you, remember to bow low to the King of kings and keep yourself humble before Him.
Matthew 23:12 (NASB)
“Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled, and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.”
Don’t try and force the doors open yourself because then you will have to hold them open by yourself – and that’s exhausting.
The doors that the Lord will open for you can never be shut if you stay humble before Him. You will walk with an ease and authority that comes supernaturally.
You truly are living in the greatest time in history.
Are you excited to be a part of it? I know I am.
How has this spoken to you today? What is the main thing that has stood out to you? What has the Lord said to you while you were reading?
Please share below as I would love to know your thoughts.
Have an amazing day.
Abundant blessings to you,

Photo by Harrison Haines from Pexels
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