It’s a Jesus and angel story actually.
NEVER touch a mobile phone during a lightning storm. Yes, well “der” I hear you say. I knew it, I just didn’t think about it …. until it was too late.
One afternoon in December 2014, I had just been to swimming lessons with our eldest daughter, I had picked up our youngest daughter from preschool and we were on our way to get my husband from work. We were driving in a lightning storm and I wasn’t comfortable at all. As I turned the last corner I somehow instinctively knew that one of the lightning bolts had been assigned to me from the devil. (“The thief (Satan) comes only to kill, steal, and destroy.” John 10:10 ESV) I had experienced his antics before so this was no surprise.
My husband was now in the car and my phone beeped. I knew it was our eldest son. The phone was sitting in the small console between the 2 front seats so I picked it up to pass it to my husband. I thank Jesus that it was me who touched it at that moment and not him. What happened next occurred all at once, in about one or two seconds.
As I touched the phone a huge lightening bolt hit a power line about 100 metres in front of us. It caused 2 live wires to now be precariously dangling and swaying close to the traffic on the road ahead. I heard a very loud, deep noise in my head that seemed to reverberate through my entire body. No-one else heard it. It sounded like I was standing right in front of a huge amplifier and it was feeding back. While this was all happening, a small but extremely bright ball of light shot down my arm and knocked the phone out of my hand. The whole inside of the car lit up and everyone in the car saw it. It was an angel. There are many examples of angels warning and protecting people in the Bible – Genesis 19:15, Exodus 23:20, Acts 5:19 ESV – just to name a few.
I felt really weird – almost numb … but not. I didn’t know what was going to happen. I was driving so I just wanted to concentrate on getting everyone safely home. I walked inside and didn’t feel right. I sat down and my head was starting to feel really spacey so I called the After Hours GP Helpline, and as I was describing what had happened, my speech was beginning to slur. The very helpful lady thought it best to send for the ambulance. By the time the ambulance arrived, I had some symptoms of having a stroke. My speech was failing, I knew what I wanted to say but the words just wouldn’t come out and I was struggling to remember what day it was. The whole right side of my body was losing strength rapidly so they took me to the hospital.
After a barrage of tests and examinations, the doctors couldn’t find any explanation for my symptoms. They woke me up every half hour just to make sure I wasn’t getting worse. It was so difficult knowing what I wanted to say to answer all the questions, but my mouth would just not cooperate. I gained a newfound respect for people who had actually had a stroke.
It was just plain awful!!!
God Always Has Answers
At around 12am, I asked the Lord if I would be Ok and He said, “Yes.” I asked Him why it happened – He then explained. A couple of weeks previously, I was struggling again with terrible depression (all depression is terrible) and I had prayed that the Lord would take my life. I know, it is a selfish prayer but please don’t judge. Only those who have suffered with this can understand the pain. Anyway, when I had done that, I had inadvertently allowed Satan to come and attempt take my life. I had cursed my own life. (“I have not let my mouth sin by asking for his life with a curse,” Job 31:30 ESV) It wasn’t the first time that I had prayed this prayer. Not good.
I repented immediately and the Lord was very firm and said, “Don’t do that again.” I was truly sorry and scared. If it had not been for Jesus’ grace, you would not be reading this story today.
Lessons Learnt
I learnt so many valuable lessons that day. During prayer time with my family the morning of the incident, in my mind I saw Jesus come and stand near me, put His beautiful hand on my shoulder and say, “Don’t worry, Donna. It will all be OK.” Little did I know…..
Lesson No. 1
When Jesus Himself comes and says to you, “Don’t worry. It will all be OK”, you KNOW something is coming. But also remember that it will be OK.
Lesson No. 2
Be VERY careful of the words that come out of your mouth – NO MATTER HOW YOU FEEL!
Lesson No. 3 (or a reminder actually)
NEVER touch a mobile phone during a lightning storm, especially when you are right next to overhead power lines. (Ouch) and NEVER touch your phone in the car!
Lesson No. 4
Even though my doubt was huge and my faith waning, the Lord Jesus still came to comfort me. It was a prophetic message that yes, something was going to happen but that I would also be OK. He was letting me know that He is in charge.
Lesson No. 5
It reminded me that angels really are there for our help and protection (Hebrews 1:13-14). God is so very kind and generous.
Encouragement For You
Even when bad things are happening, God is not shocked or surprised. Ask Him in whatever way you know how, “What is going on? How will this end? What should I do now?” “What can I learn and take away from this situation?” He wants to answer you. It may not be in the way you want or expect but He ALWAYS wants to answer. (Luke 11:9 ESV)
What are some ways that you have seen God move in your life? I would love to hear of what God is doing for you in the comments below.
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Many blessings to you this week and always.
(Photo Credit: www.pexels.com)
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