Have you heard of the amazing stories where people have accomplished great feats, witnessed seemingly impossible miracles, seen many people come to Christ or just seem have an exciting life that you want?
Do you sometimes feel like you are ‘just an ordinary person’?
Do you feel like your days are the same and you wonder where the adventure is?
Through the years I have done some pretty exciting things, travelled to different parts of the world, and had some amazing adventures. To be honest, the most exciting and thrilling things occurred during the most routine days.
God will interrupt you if you are on the look out for Him. It could be while you are grocery shopping, as you are having a quiet tea or coffee at your favourite tea house or cafe, or at a child’s afternoon activity. He will bring a person across your path to listen to and/or maybe even pray for. This person might just need some encouragement or a good, hearty laugh. They might even want to be noticed as many people walk around in a sea of people thinking, and even believing, that they are invisible.
Recently, I had a person tell me that they still had an encouraging card that I gave them over 20 years ago. They were so pleased to receive it and it had lifted their spirits so greatly that they kept it. I was embarrassed that I didn’t remember writing it but was thrilled that it encouraged this beautiful lady.
This is a seemingly ‘ordinary’ act to me but to the other person, it was extraordinary.
The Ordinary and the Spectacular
If you are anything like me, as a child I dreamt of great adventure and I had a longing to make a difference in this world. I didn’t want my life to amount to nothing. I didn’t imagine that I could make a difference – one person at a time.
That’s exactly how it happens – ONE PERSON AT A TIME!
You can go to a conference and hear an amazing story that will get you excited for a time. Sometimes it can change you or, you can meet a total stranger and they are the ones who will change your life, forever.
The Apostle Peter owned a lucrative fishing business. He was getting about his day, casting his net into the sea and getting ready for a haul. Just then, a man that Peter and his fellow fishermen had probably heard something of, yelled to them “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:18-22.
God interrupted Peter and changed his life!
Peter most certainly didn’t get everything right but he had a go. He so much wanted to please Jesus even though he messed up along the way. Sound familiar?
The point is, one encounter with a man changed the course of his life forever.
I understand that none of us are Jesus but we too could change the course of someone’s life just by being kind, helping them out, giving them an ear and a shoulder, or praying for them.
Have you ever had someone do this for you? How did it make you feel?
No kind word or action ever goes unnoticed by your loving Heavenly Father. He sees it all and He smiles when He witnesses His children changing their part of the world (Malachi 3:16).
None of these acts are ‘ordinary’. They are ‘extraordinary’ to the person who receives them.
You won’t always get it right but nevertheless, keep going.
Your kindness may not always be received well, but keep going.
Lastly, remember that the Lord God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6)
You certainly don’t do things to be rewarded but it’s ok to know that one day you will be – and the rewards don’t only wait for Heaven. God can surprise you and interrupt your day with a reward also.
May I encourage you to ask the Lord to bring someone along your path in the upcoming week, that you can do an ‘extraordinary’ act for. Remember, even sending a text can brighten someone’s day.
What extraordinary act could you do for someone today? Please share in the comments below so we can get ideas from each other. No act is too small. It can change someone’s life!
(Photo Credit: www.pexels.com)
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