As I was reading My Bible 4 days before I released this word, there were verses that stood out to me and I could tangibly feel their weight for this time. I believe that this is a Word in season for us in the Body of Christ right now.
I'll begin with this verse:
“From heaven you sentenced your enemies; the earth trembled and stood silent before you. You stand up to judge those who do evil, O God, and to rescue the oppressed of the earth.” Ps 76:8-9 (NLT)
Here is the word that the Lord gave to me to release today. I write it in dictation form so this is like the Lord is speaking directly to you. As always, check it with Holy Spirit and with Scripture.
The line in the sand has been drawn!
I will now come to rescue My children from the enemy’s clutches. They have become weary in the battle and it is now time for My hand to be seen.
Do not fear, My daughters, for I, the Lord, am moving on your behalf.
For those of you who have been misled and been taken advantage of - to you I will reverse what has been stolen and will bring you recompense 7 fold.
To you whose hearts are bleeding from grief, loss and trials I say, “Come to Me. Rest your head against My chest for it is here that you will find healing; and pure and innocent, yet strong and abounding love.”
My daughter, I long to hold you. I long to be with you. You pull away from Me because you think that I will punish you for your wrong doing but this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Heads are about to roll.
For those who think they have the power over you I say this, “Be warned, for you are about to be beheaded.”
Just as I did in King David’s day, I look after My own.
My children, I am gathering you under My wings to a place of safety and protection.
Don’t fear what is going on around you for I am aware of all that is going on. I see your heart and I know it is for Me, yet distractions of fear have taken your attention from Me.
I am a jealous God who longs for your undivided attention. Lock your eyes onto Mine, sweet daughter, for here you will see and encounter My adoration for you - every part of you. There’s nothing of you that I don’t love.
Sin is a thought, word or deed but it isn’t who you are. It’s NOT your identity. Let me say that again ... Sin is a thought, word or deed but it isn’t who you are. It’s NOT your identity.
My daughter, My love is your identity. My eternal heir of every spiritual blessing in the Heavenly places.
Don’t fear what you will hear coming across the airwaves.
Retreat into your quiet place with Me for I will reveal to you the truth of what is really happening. The Liar speaks through the airwaves. Their tongues are dripping with deceit.
Only in Me is there truth for My Son is the ONLY Way, the Truth and the Life.
Heads are about to roll from the highest places of government to those who are trying to control you in the secret places.
A house divided against itself won’t stand. Division is going to come and with it confusion in the highest places so don’t be alarmed when there doesn’t seem to be a cohesive government or leadership. I am sending confusion, for a house divided against itself won’t and can’t stand.
Choose this day, mighty women, whom you will serve!
Is it Me wholeheartedly or can you only give me Sundays and the occasional moment here and there?
The line has been drawn in the sand. It’s time to make your choice - will you love Me no matter what comes in your life?
Will you choose Me over the voices in the world?
Will you choose Me over what people around you say?
If you do, I will protect you and provide for you in every way possible.
Do you not see that I am pure goodness? Do you not know that it is My kindness that leads people to Me and not harshness, judgement or reprimand?
It is time for you to choose Me, wholeheartedly. I will come to rescue you. Come to me and allow Me to gather you under My wings like a hen gathers up her chicks to protect them.
Let me heal your heart. Too much of My Body is about behavioural management. This, My daughters, will never bring lasting results. Only My healing power and My love will transform your wounds into victorious living.
I created you to be healed, free, victorious, powerful and loving life.
This is what Heaven on earth looks like.
I am for you, not against you - now and always.
A powerful word.
Here are some of the verses that the Lord highlighted.
"I have called you back from the ends of the earth, saying, ‘You are my servant.’ For I have chosen you and will not throw you away. Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. “See, all your angry enemies lie there, confused and humiliated. Anyone who opposes you will die and come to nothing. You will look in vain for those who tried to conquer you. Those who attack you will come to nothing. For I hold you by your right hand— I, the Lord your God. And I say to you, ‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you. Though you are a lowly worm, O Jacob, don’t be afraid, people of Israel, for I will help you. I am the Lord, your Redeemer. I am the Holy One of Israel.’ You will toss them into the air, and the wind will blow them all away; a whirlwind will scatter them. Then you will rejoice in the Lord. You will glory in the Holy One of Israel. “When the poor and needy search for water and there is none, and their tongues are parched from thirst, then I, the Lord, will answer them. I, the God of Israel, will never abandon them. I will open up rivers for them on the high plateaus. I will give them fountains of water in the valleys. I will fill the desert with pools of water. Rivers fed by springs will flow across the parched ground. I will plant trees in the barren desert— cedar, acacia, myrtle, olive, cypress, fir, and pine. I am doing this so all who see this miracle will understand what it means— that it is the Lord who has done this, the Holy One of Israel who created it." Isaiah 41:9-14, 16-20 NLT
The Body of Christ, the lovers of Jesus - that’s you and me - need to realise that the world is in the state it’s in because the Church as a whole has totally dropped the ball.
"You are the light of the world ..." Matt 5:14 (NASB)
If we are the light of the world, and light pushes back darkness ... see my point?
The Church stayed silent when She should have spoken up. She criticised, complained, judged, and backed down in fear.
It’s time to stand up and say “NO” to the enemy.
It’s time to declare “NOT ON MY WATCH!”
It’s time to take back the territory that the enemy has stolen.
It’s time to be bold and courageous because you need to know that the Lord your God is with you wherever you go! (Joshua 1:9)
It’s not time to back down.
This is the time to be COURAGEOUS KINGDOM WOMEN!
This is the time to stand up and use Luke 10:19 - wield all of your power and authority over your enemy that Jesus Himself gave you.
80% of your battles are won in the Prayer Closet - that means intentionally setting aside time with God to hear His heart about the situations and pray what He reveals.
If you want prayers answered, this is the fastest way to do it - pray what He tells you to pray and declare what is on His heart.
God only has the best for you. Jesus was abundantly blessed, He had wealth, He saw astounding miracles, and had a wonderfully intimate relationship with His Father - all of these things are available to you.
You are so powerful … you can change the world.
It’s time to stand up and be the magnificent creation that God fashioned you into being.
God is going to move on your behalf but He also wants to move in partnership with you.
He’s had enough of the evil that is before you and now He’s going to move. No, He is not going to rapture you away. That’s not Biblical and is another false deception of the enemy. It's not God's heart at all! More on that another time.
The question we need to ask in this hour is:
“Lord, do you want me to partner with You in any way or do you want me to get out of Your way?”
It’s important that you move in time with Holy Spirit.
I’ll end with this verse today.
“Remember the things I have done in the past. For I alone am God! I am God, and there is none like me. Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish.” Isaiah 46:9-10 NLT
God does not put up with sin forever. Take heart for He is now going to move in your life to bring you freedom and restoration!
So, what is Holy Spirit speaking to you at this time?
Please let me know in the comments below.
Remember, He is always communicating with you. It may just be in a way that you are yet to recognise.
I pray this brings your heart encouragement as well as a challenge.
Are you prepared to give Jesus your all? No matter the cost?
You are living in the most exciting time in history with God!
Abundant blessings to you,
PS. For the recorded version, you can watch it here:
Facebook Live - The Line In The Sand Has Been Drawn
(I apologise for how pixelated the video is. That's never happened before. The sound is great though.)
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