Do you sometimes feel like your life is a reproduction of the movie ‘Groundhog Day’ – the same thing, day after day after day? Mine most certainly does at times. Or do you feel stuck in a seemingly endless situation eg. a job that you loathe, nappies up to your ears, or a bad habit that you just can’t seem to break? In the past, I could certainly answer a big fat ‘YES’ to all of these situations at one time or another.
Matthew 4 is a very interesting chapter. It tells of the progression of Jesus’ first steps into ministry: Satan tempting Jesus after a 40 day fast in the desert (wilderness), the calling of the first disciples, and then Jesus proclaiming the Gospel and healing “EVERY disease and EVERY affliction among the people.” (Matthew 4:23 – emphasis mine). I so love that verse!
There are a few points that I would like to share with you from this chapter.
Walking In Your Shoes
It begins with Jesus purposely being led into the wilderness by the Spirit to be tempted by the devil (Vs 1). This part has always intrigued me. He was led …. on purpose. This was part of the plan for Him to be tempted by the devil. What’s the deal with that? Jesus was all man when He was on earth. He was born of flesh so that He knew what it was like to live and feel like us. This was and is a big deal. It says in Hebrews 2:18 that Jesus, because He was all human, suffered and was tempted so that He is able to help those who are being tempted and are suffering. How awesome is that! Jesus really was walking in your shoes. He felt temptation and suffering just like you do. What a way to start a ministry.
What kind of God would do that? Who would leave the comforts of their Heavenly throne to come to earth and feel pain – just so they can relate to us mere humans? This is astounding to me. What do you think?
Of course, Jesus said ‘Enough is enough’ and told Satan where to go (Vs 10). Oh yeah! Jesus had triumphed and passed the training. He was sold out to God and would do nothing that displeased His Father. Jesus set the example of what full obedience and submission to Father God looks like. Jesus’ example is what we are to aspire to – totally and only with God’s never-ending help.
Are you in a job that God won’t seem to let you out of yet? Are you dealing with family members who you would like to walk away from but God has said no? (Let’s be honest now) Do you wonder why God isn’t changing your situation that seems to be driving you up the wall? Maybe, just maybe, you are in the desert like Jesus. Maybe God is testing training you. Maybe He is increasing your character, your faith and reliance on Him, your patience (I know, don’t stone me) or your kindness meter in the face of utter frustration.
The Temptations of Jesus All Relate To You And Me Today
There are 4 temptations that are recorded in Chapter 4 of Matthew. I will tell you what they are here and I will give some insight into them in the coming days.
1. Identity
2. Quick Fixes
3. Testing God
4. Manipulating God
I believe they will encourage you greatly. Jesus really can relate to you and me way more than you may realise.
Whether you realise it or not, Jesus has not left you. You could very well be in a training season. I am right there with you. It’s all part of God’s plan to make you ready for Kingdom work. If you will stick it out, it will be all worth it. Just you wait and see.
As always, if you would like prayer or to share your thoughts, I would love to read any comments in the comments section below or on the contact page here.
Until next time, I pray for the strength and perseverance of Jesus to fill you to overflowing.
(Photo Credit: www.pexels.com)
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