God orchestrated history, just so you – at this very moment, in His prefect timing – could have a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus. How amazing!!
Here, we continue on the journey of Jesus from training to purpose to destiny and how it relates to you and me. I hope you are enjoying this adventure as much as I am. This post is a little long but there is so much encouragement here.
You can find Part 1 and Part 2 here.
Here we go!
Jesus Begins His Ministry
This is a really interesting heading found between verses 11 and 12 in Matthew 4. The following verses seem to be the place where Jesus is officially released into ministry.
If you look back at Matthew 3:13-17, you will see that in the baptism of Jesus, God His Father was revealing that Jesus was His chosen One, His beloved Son. You are chosen and you are God’s beloved daughter or son. Maybe your being chosen didn’t manifest in such a dramatic way but this does not diminish the fact that you are chosen. Chosen by the Creator for an amazing life and purpose in serving Him. Nothing fulfils a heart like being truly and deeply loved by the One who made you. It’s completely up to you if you respond to His choosing. You can CHOOSE to be chosen just by saying, “Yes” to Jesus in complete and total surrender (Matthew 22:1-14).
We then headed into Matthew Chapter 4. The first verses are all about Jesus being led out by Holy Spirit into the wilderness to fast and be tempted by the Tempter himself, Satan. This is Jesus teaching us and demonstrating to us how we are able to get Satan to back off. Jesus, through the power (dunamis) of Holy Spirit didn’t give in or back down to the evil one. Jesus is showing us that we can walk in the same power as Himself.
Jesus had to pass the tests that were given to Him. Remember? They are some of the very same tests that you and I need to pass today to succeed and be powerful in our Christian walk. (The tests are detailed here)
Have you ever been given a word (a message of encouragement or a prophecy of something in your future) and you have been so excited that you felt like you could take on the world and no devil in hell could touch you? Did everything seem to go pear shaped straight afterwards and nothing seemed to be in line with this beautiful and amazing message that you received? You are not alone. Notice that the exact same thing happened to Jesus. The Almighty God proclaimed His promise over Jesus ……. then He was taken straight into the wilderness to be tested and refined. Don’t despise this time of refining. I know it’s hard but God can use you more when the rough edges are smoothed. Rough edges hurt others, smooth edges heal. Press on. Don’t give up. People that you haven’t even met yet are counting on you.
Jesus comes out of the wilderness and then something seemingly strange happens. Jesus hears that John the Baptist had been arrested and put in prison, and He LEFT FOR GALILEE. Did Jesus just abandon John? What was actually happening is explained in Matthew 4:15-16. Jesus was fulfilling the prophecy spoken by Isaiah (Isaiah 9).
What He was also doing was taking the baton and running with it to take it to the end of the marathon of the Old Testament law.
Running The Race Set Before You
Have you ever watched a relay race? Maybe you have seen the Olympics or even your own children in an athletics carnival. In professional relay races the first person sprints as fast as they can until the baton is actually out of their hand. They don’t slow down. The second person who is waiting for them has already begun running. They are not standing still waiting for the baton to reach them. They understand that the momentum must keep moving forward if they are going to have any hope of winning. The same pattern must also happen for the the third and fourth runners. If anyone at any time drops the baton, their chances of winning become smaller – but never impossible. The idea is to keep going – no matter what happens. Run, run, run!
God began the relay race back in Genesis. Adam and Eve had just been caught out disobeying the Lord. God is now pronouncing judgement upon them and the devil but he throws a promise right in the midst of it. One that affects us today – JESUS.
“And I will put enmity (open hostility) between you and the woman, and between your seed (offspring) and her Seed; He shall (fatally) bruise your head, and you shall (only) bruise His heal.” – Emphasis mine. (Genesis 3:15 AMP)
God said that Eve’s Seed (Jesus) shall fatally bruise Satan’s head. What a fantastic promise! Aren’t you glad you are at the other side of that promise – the cross and resurrection? I sure am.
Now the players in history are off and running. The baton has left the first hand (God) and has now been taken by Eve. It was passed down to every generation that was to come in the following lineage of Jesus. Now back in Matthew 4, the last exchange has occurred. John the Baptist was the last Old Testament prophet. His job was done. He had fulfilled His purpose. He had prepared the way of the Lord (Matthew 4:3). It was time for Jesus to take the baton to the finish line and defeat Satan, once and for all! God orchestrated all of history to get to this very moment. Isn’t He totally amazing!
Jesus begins His ministry by proclaiming, “Repent (change your inner self – your old way of thinking, regret past sins, live your life in a way that proves repentance; seek God’s purpose for your life), for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 4:17 AMP)
Hang on. Isn’t this EXACTLY what John was preaching? Yes. (Matthew 3:2) The baton had been passed on.
Now the fun begins.
Jesus’ purpose, amongst many other things, was to bring Heaven to earth (Matthew 6:10). He was to make the way of salvation for everyone who followed and loved Him from then on (John 3:16). He was to bring glory to God His Father throughout His life (John 5:19-20).
He ran His own race that was set before Him. That’s how you live life to the fullest. RUN YOUR OWN RACE!
True purpose is to glorify Jesus in every area of your life.
We can’t do it alone as we will see by Jesus’ example. Neither could He. He was fully human remember. He gave up all His rights as God so that He could make a way for us and to display how we can live a fulfilled, powerful and purposeful life.
Paul says that we need to run the race that is set before us (Hebrews 12:1) This is the purpose that God assigned to you before the beginning of time. You can’t do it alone. You need the power (dunamis) of Holy Spirit.
If you would like true power and determination to run the race, no matter what you are enduring, pray this with me:
Thank You, Jesus, that you are my example. Thank You that you sent Holy Spirit to fill the disciples at Pentecost with power (dunamis) and fire so that they could fulfil their purpose and run their race to the finish line. Today I ask that you will do the same for me. I ask for a fresh filling of Holy Spirit and His fire. I want to run again towards the goal and receive the prize that You have waiting for me at the finish line. I receive Your power and fire by faith in the precious Name of Jesus. Thank You, Lord.
I would love to hear if anything happened when or after you prayed this prayer. Please share in the comments below or on the contact page here. Let me encourage you to not just pray and run away. Sit still and let God speak with you and fill every part of you with His power and fire.
As always, I treasure every one of you and I pray that you will experience Jesus in a new way today. He really is amazing!
(Photo Credit: www.pexels.com)
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