As I sat with the Lord I asked Him what was on His heart for you today.
His first words were, “What do you need today?”
As I began to write these words, this is what I heard Him saying to you …
“Are you longing for answers to the questions that continually roll around in your mind?
Do thoughts of overwhelm plague you each night as you go sleep?
What are you struggling with today?
What consumes your mind that steals the joy from your heart?
I have the answers.
I am able to tell you what you need to know and when you need to know it.
Ask Me for what you want.
Ask Me for what you need, what you desire, what you dream after and hope for.
What do you need today?
Oh let Me love you, My child. Let Me bless you with My love and My good gifts that I long to shower upon you.
Will you receive from Me today what I have for you?
If you would let Me show you yourself, just as I see you …
… My most precious son, My most amazing daughter.
How close are you willing to come to Me? Close enough to hear My whisper?
Sit quietly with Me and I will show you what you want to know.
Rest your head against My chest and hear My heartbeat that quickens when you are near.
What joy and excitement fills My heart when I see your face turning towards Me.
My favourite thing …
My favourite thing to do is … to be with you!
That’s why Jesus died and rose again – just so I could be with you and you with Me.
How I long to be with you – from the moment you were conceived to the moment you move from earth to Heaven, even then I am with you.
Trust Me.
You can trust Me.
I will never let you down.
I only have what’s best in mind for you – great and glorious things.
I can turn EVERYTHING around for good in your life.
There is nothing that is so bad or too hard that I cannot turn around for your brilliant triumph.
Strategies and Blueprints
In this season, this moment, I am downloading strategies and blueprints directly from Heaven to the earth.
I am releasing plans for inventions that have never been seen before.
I am unveiling solutions to the world’s problems that will bring peace and healing in accelerated ways.
My ways are far above and beyond any humankind’s way of thinking.
I am brilliant and I long to partner with you to bring My solutions, inventions and ideas into the earth.
This is My strategy of bringing Heaven to earth.
Are you ready to be a part of what I am releasing?
Are you willing to say, “Yes, here I am, send me”?
All I need is your “yes”. That’s all I need. I will do the rest.
I will lead the way.
I will not leave you – just as I never have before.
Do you want to come on a journey of a lifetime?
Do you want to hold My hand, come walk with Me and together change your world?
I long to do this with you.
I could do this alone … but I don’t want to.
YOU are My pride and joy.
YOU are the apple of My eye.
YOU are the joy set before Me.
I see you and see that you are good.
Are you ready …
… LET’S GO!”
This is the deepest cry of Father God’s heart … is to be with you.
He loves you so passionately and He longs to meet your every need.
May I encourage you to take the time to sit and make a list of all the things that you need and even what you want. Dream big. Don’t be shy.
Know that this list isn’t only for material things. If you need healing, ask for healing. If you need peace, ask for peace. If you need wisdom, ask for wisdom. You get what I mean.
One of the biggest lies of the enemy is that Father God wants you to be in lack because this is a sign of spiritual maturity. Absolutely not so! How can you bless others when you are so lacking yourself? You can’t.
God is not against you having nice things. He is just against the nice things owning you.
The invitation is here to ask Him for what you need and want in this season.
Will accept His invitation? Will you draw close to His heart to hear His answers?
I would love to know what these words mean to you. Did you find reading this confronting? Have you ever thought about God being actually interested in what you wanted? The dreams that are in your heart? Let us know in the comments and join in the discussion.
““I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore I have drawn you out with kindness.” Jeremiah 31:3
Abundant blessings to you,

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels
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