It’s a question that gets thrown around during the weeks leading up to Christmas. I know that I have asked it of my own family and friends before Christmas and their birthdays. Little do they know I make note of when they make mention of something they like during the year before so I always have some surprises up my sleeve.
Have you ever thought about this question for yourself? How do you react when someone asks you, “What do you want?”
The main response I receive from people other than my children is, “I don’t know.” What do you mean you don’t know? Don’t you sit and daydream about things that you might like, places you want to see, people you would like to meet?
Or maybe only I do that. I don’t believe so.
I heard a story told by a few different people of a man who decided to find out what the difference was between successful people and unsuccessful people. Out of the 1000 university students that this man interviewed, only 2% had their goals and dreams written down and kept them in their wallets to review them often.
The man followed up as many of these people as he could over the coming years and which ones do you think were successful? The 2% who knew what they wanted, who kept the dream before their eyes and acted on it.
Daydreaming is from God
One day I was sitting with Jesus and He said to me, “Donna, what do you want?” I immediately answered with a couple of things. He then said to write a list of everything I could think of that I wanted.
And so I did.
I wrote down the things I want answers to, what I want to understand, places I want to go and take my family, things to be healed from – both for myself and people I know, material things I would like, where I wanted to go in my relationship with Jesus, how to be a better wife and parent, Ministries to start and other Ministries to support ….. everything I could think of I wrote down. In the end I had written 4 full A4 pages.
Try it. It is very liberating. Jesus loves it when you ask Him for things.
Think back to when you were a child. What did you dream of doing when you grew up? Did you dream of travelling somewhere overseas on a boat or a plane? Did you want to speak before thousands of people or maybe open a boutique or a cafe?
"And the Lord said, Behold, they are one people and they have all one
language; and this is only the beginning of what they will do, and now
Genesis 11:6 (AMPC)
Admittingly, this was talking about people doing the wrong thing as they were building the tower of Babel but just remember:
When there is a negative, there was always a positive first.
The enemy, Satan and his minions, are so unoriginal that all they can do is
What are you imagining for your life?
If nothing you imagine can be impossible for you what are you imagining, or in other words, what are you daydreaming about?
Do you even know?
"we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience
of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One)," 2 Corinthians 10:5b (AMPC)
I am sure you have heard this above verse quoted many times but have you ever stopped to think about what it means?
Basically, it just means that you need to become aware of what you are thinking and whatever is against the way that Jesus thinks, you need to throw it out and replace it with Jesus’ thoughts. Since you have the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16), you are able to think His thoughts. That’s spectacular!
It is hard work at the start but it becomes easier the more you practise.
It’s the same with your thoughts about your future.
What are you thinking will happen in your future? Are you dreading what might come? Is fear driving your thoughts?
If you are, then you need to begin to take note of these thoughts as they come, decide to think about something else and focus on those thoughts instead. Make sure they are positive, life-bringing, and thoughts that provoke excitement for the future.
Action Steps
Grab some paper and 2 different coloured pens with no distractions
I suggest you use the old-fashioned writing tools because if you use your laptop, iPad or phone, you are much more likely to get distracted. During this time, try not to bring anything electronic with you. Your mind will thank you for it.
Sit it in a quiet place
Take time to sit and let your imagination run wild. Set a timer for 5 minutes if this task seems overwhelming. Ask God to speak to you in your thoughts with pictures or with words and just sit quietly. If your thoughts are running away from you towards the negative, don’t chase them. Think of something that makes you happy and
Now write, write, write!
With one colour pen write down whatever comes to your mind. Don’t analyse it all, just do a brain dump and get it all out on paper, unless it’s negative then just throw those thoughts out. You can go through it all later but for now, no matter how impossible or out there your thoughts are, write them down.
Sit still and listen
The reason why I asked you to get 2 different coloured pens is that with the other pen, you are going to write what Jesus says to you. Ask Him to show you which ideas are from Him and what are the strategies to make them come to pass. Every idea needs a well thought out plan to accomplish it. Without a strategy, there is no fulfilment.
These will come as thoughts or pictures in your mind so again, just write down whatever you hear. You can read over it later and ask Jesus to confirm what you have heard.
Be expectant – you get what you expect
God wants to bless you more than you probably realise. You are His child. He loves you ferociously and is very protective of you. He longs to give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4).
Expect to receive from God and you will. Always remember to thank Him for what He has already done in your life and for what He will do. He is a most excellent Father and you can trust Him with your life. He will never let you down.
I know it’s a cliche but …..
Remember, nothing that God has placed in your heart will be impossible for you. Imagine big today. You will be so glad you did.
Please share 1 or 2 things that you want in the comments below. I would love to agree with you for these things to come to you. If you know anyone who would be encouraged by this post, please forward it onto them so we can spread the love of Jesus into a world that so desperately needs it.
Always remember, you were born to be amazing!

(Photo Credit: www.pexels.com)
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