The King of all kings is personally calling you by name …
… what will you answer Him?
I woke up this last Easter Saturday morning, feeling like my spirit wanted to jump out of my body. It’s a very strong force that causes me to be really uncomfortable.
Have you ever felt like something is pulling from inside of you and you haven’t been able to put words to it?
I got up and began to worship the Lord. He truly is so beautiful and on this day, I had such an immense sense of His strength.
He said to me, “Write this down. This is what I want you to share.”
So here it is:
“I am calling My children, one by one, to Myself.
I need them to band together to take a stand – not in the open but in their prayer room (Matt 6:6). I need My children to be in unity and alignment with My purposes (Eph 4:13).
Such great things are yet to come but I need the vessels to work through (Jn 1:50).
The world has My Bride’s attention right now and I long for Her heart to be turned back to Me.
Cry out in the secret place for I will come to you (Jer 33:3).
Cry out with your heart wherever you go and together we will take territories for My Name (Matt 28:19).
The Father’s greatest priority …
My heart has always been, and will always be, for relationship with My creation. That has been My plan right from the beginning.
I walked in such intimacy with Adam and Eve before the serpent deceived them (Gen 3:8).
The serpent has once again deceived the earth and taken Scriptures out of context.
My heart is FOR people (Jn 3:16). I long for Heaven to come to the earth more than anyone could possibly know (Matt 6:10).
All power, authority and strength is Mine (Jer 10:6). Nothing goes before Me unnoticed.
Oh how I long for My people to rise up (Lk 10:19), to stand with Me and fight in the Heavenlies for those who can’t fight for themselves – for those who don’t know that I am good, and that all I want to do is love them and heal them and draw them to My heart.
I long to hold them close to Me, hold them in My arms and tell them the secrets of My heart (Pr 25:2).
I have so much to share but the world has believed the lie that they don’t hear Me, they don’t see me.
It’s not true … they do! (Jn 10:27)
Who will listen for My call?
Who will say, “YES” to My cry? (Lk 14:23)
I am offering My partnership …
… to see great and mighty things come upon the earth. (Jn 15:4)
Who will stand with Me in the secret place and win the battle in the Heavenlies? (Matt 6:6)
Who will say like Elijah, “Here I am send me”? (Is 6:8)
What’s coming …
I am about to come in such great power like the world has never seen, not even during the time of Creation has such power been released.
I am about to cover the earth with My goodness and love so that all creation will see Me (Ex 33:19).
Not everyone will turn to Me because their hearts have been so deceived and darkened but nonetheless, I will reveal Myself to them (Lk 14:18).
You will be so surprised at who answers My call. I am going searching on the highways and byways (Matt 22:9).
I am entering the hearts of those who live in mansions and great wealth (Jn 3:16).
There is no-one that I don’t love. There is no-one that My Son didn’t die for (Jn 3:16).
Yes, even the mass murderers, even those who are doing the most despicable things (Acts 9).
Do you not realise that I want to save them from the pits of hell that they are caught in?
Pray! Pray for their rescue and salvation (Lk 6:28).
I AM their rescue. I AM their salvation (Ps 18:2).
Will you answer My call?
Will you walk in power beside Me? (Lk 10:19)
Will you allow great miracles to flow through you so that others see that I am good? (Mk 16:17-18)
Will you hear the cry of My heart for those who are caught in tradition and religion and who have become hard of heart? (Gal 3:23-26)
You don’t have to fear for I will tell you what to do and what to say. (Matt 10:19)
My Spirit is in you to guide you into all righteousness and humility – this is what makes the power within you effective to love those whom you pray for. (Eph 5:9)
Answer My call today.
I will not shout but will whisper and make Myself known to you (1 Kings 19:12).
Will you rise to new heights with Me?
Will you come so that I can show you things that the earth has never seen before? (Rev 4:1)
Behold, I AM doing a new thing! Do you not perceive it? (Is 43:19)
You are a mighty warrior in the Heavenlies!
I am calling YOU, My precious and darling child, My mighty warrior.
What you think of yourself on earth is nothing like how you are seen in the Heavenlies (2 Cor 5:17).
You are a force to be reckoned with. You are someone who is fierce and the enemy is frightened of you (Lk 10:19).
You have more power and authority that you know.
What is needed now is humility in strength and love in power (1 Cor 13).
Will you come with Me?
My hand is stretched out waiting for you to take it and say, “Yes”.
Please …”
Even as I write this, the Lord’s tangible presence has entered the room.
I sense this is a very holy moment in time.
A time when the Lord God is calling out to His children as He did with Isaiah.
I believe we are at an Isaiah 6 moment when the Lord is going to call people up to His throne and personally ask them, “Whom shall I send and who will go for Us?” (Is 6:8)
Will you say, “Yes”?
This is an exciting moment in history and you get to be a part of it.
What does this mean for you?
What are your thoughts? How do you think you might answer the call?
Please share them in the comments below.
Have an amazing week and I ask God to release the abundant blessings of Heaven to shower you and your families’ lives.

Photo by Alexas Fotos from Pexels
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