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Why Am I Here?

Why Am I Here?

christian life Aug 29, 2017

Every person on the planet has plans, purposes, and meaning for their lives. EVERY PERSON ….

…. including YOU!

You have probably heard this so very often ….. but do you really believe it?

Who you see yourself as and who you believe you belong to is at the core of everything you do, say and think.

You probably hear Jeremiah 29:11 quoted repeatedly as an encouragement, which is great, but did you realise that there is an action to be taken that is necessary to bring those plans into your life? It’s great that God knows what your purpose is but it’s a bit like a man giving you a safe, bulging with one hundred dollar notes. You are so excited because he has just given you the promise of a better future but there’s one problem. He hasn’t given you the combination to the safe so of course, you aren’t able to access the money. The man knows the combination to the safe but the safe is no good to you if you don’t know the combination. Do you see what I am getting at? God knows His plans and purposes for your life, but what good are they to you if you don’t know them?

But God, being the mastermind that He is, tells us in the very next verses how we get to know what those plans are.

Let’s take a look at them.

“For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. THEN you will call on Me and you will come and pray to Me, and I WILL HEAR [your voice] and I WILL LISTEN to you. THEN [with a deep longing] you will SEEK ME and REQUIRE ME [as a vital necessity] and [YOU WILL] FIND me WHEN YOU SEARCH FOR ME WITH ALL YOUR HEART. I WILL BE FOUND BY YOU,’ says the Lord, ‘and I WILL RESTORE your fortunes and I WILL [FREE you and] gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you,’ says the Lord, ‘and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile.”      Jeremiah 29:11-14 (AMP)

Did you catch that?

If you will:

  1. Call on Father God
  2. Go and pray to Him
  3. Seek Him with a deep longing
  4. Require Him as a vital necessity
  5.  …….   You will then find Him when you search for Him with all of your heart.

He will:

  1. Hear you and listen to you
  2. He will find you
  3. He will restore you
  4. He will free you
  5. He will gather you back to Himself.

Because your Father in Heaven has perfect plans and purposes for your life He has made a way, through Jesus, to connect with Him to tell you what those plans are. This is exciting!

You Can Wholeheartedly Trust God

The bottom line is, you can absolutely and positively trust that God has special and unique things for you to do here on earth. Even if you don’t know what they are right at this moment, you can trust your Heavenly Father that He does and if you seek Him with all of your heart, He will lead you in the right direction. I am 48 years old and I have only found out just this year what my passion and delight is and the very clear direction that the Lord wants me to go in. Does this mean that He wasn’t leading me the rest of the time? Absolutely not. I can see that the last 32 years have been a training season, one that is not yet completed, but God has been refining me and training me for what is now coming to pass.

Remember, Jesus was in the training season and growing in wisdom and stature with God and man for 30 years before He was launched out into the world (Luke 2:52). It’s never too late for you.

You can trust that God’s timing is perfect. If He had have let me loose any time sooner, I would have steamrolled over everyone and created more damage in the Kingdom than I could have ever imagined. I praise God for all this time that He has been refining me. Believe me when I tell you that it has hurt beyond words, but with the rougher edges smoothed away, I can love people better than I ever could have before.

Which leads me to:

The Main Purpose of Your Existence

Apart from the specific reasons that you are here on earth, do you know what you are called to do?

They’re the most important commandments that Jesus gave in Mark 12:30-31. Here is my paraphrase:


That’s it.

Is it easy? No but then again, God loves us despite how unlovely we all are at times.

Your life is important.

I encourage you to never give up on your dreams or your destiny. Even if no-one else around you is aware of your value, God is very much aware. He made you exactly as you are. You are beautifully, amazingly and wonderfully made (Psalm 139).

Take time this week to sit at the Lord’s feet. Seek His face. Ask Him how He sees you. Ask Him what His plans are for your life. Ask Him what is the next step He wants you to take. I can assure you, it’s more than worth it. God has proven to me that His dreams and plans for my life are WAY better than I could have ever hoped for, dreamed or imagined (Ephesians 3:20).

Ask God to give the combination to the safe. Be patient, wait, and at the perfect time, you will receive it.


If you have been struggling with this or have discovered what the Lord’s plans are for you, I would love to hear from you in the comments below. Also, if this post has encouraged you, please share it with your family and friends and on your favourite social media sites. Together we can encourage and build each other up to release the Kingdom of God here on the earth.


May God’s favour rest upon you today and may doors open for you that no man can shut!


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