Have you ever thought about that?
“Jesus is the reason for the season” can end up being such a trite saying that it loses most of it’s meaning.
I just LOVE the lead up to Christmas and the day itself. It can be such a beautiful time. However, I do understand that it is not always a fun time for some, but bear with me.
Let me show you the true meaning of Christmas.
The Background
God, Jesus and Holy Spirit were all existent when the earth and all of creation was spoken into being. They wanted nothing more than to have someone to have relationship with, someone to bless and someone to shower their passionate love onto.
Just read Genesis 1.
To have someone love you back, you must give that person the free will to do so. I am sure that you have, or have had, someone in your life that you loved so deeply and they didn’t love you in return.
God did the same with Adam and Eve, and you and me – He gave us the choice to love.
God, as a good and holy Father, gave Adam and Eve the choice to love and trust Him (obey) or not to. The Bible records that the serpent spoke to Eve once, but may I suggest that deception usually comes over time, not usually in one moment. It’s something to ponder.
Hence to say, you may know the rest of the story. Eve ate the forbidden fruit, Adam then followed, and they were banished from the Garden of Eden – banished from intimate and complete relationship with God.
It got worse.
If that wasn’t enough, jump ahead about 6000 years. God again made a way for His children, the people He created, to have deep relationship with Him again. Sadly, the Hebrews didn’t want it. They wanted rules to follow over relationship. (Exodus 20:18-21)
I asked God one day to just give me a list of things that He wanted me to do in my life (being task oriented), and show me what His plan was so that I could just follow it. That would be easier, wouldn’t it? He didn’t really give me an answer but then I learnt why.
THIS, right here, is why Jesus is the reason for the season.
The rules weren’t working for thousands of years. The Hebrews would follow God, then walk away. Follow Him, then go their own way again. This became a continual cycle.
God then had enough. There needed to be a better way.
There is and His name is Jesus!
Jesus’ purpose
Jesus’ main purpose upon the earth was to close the gap between mankind and the Father. Bulls and goat’s blood would only bring forgiveness for 1 year from one Day of Atonement to the next. A sacrifice was needed to wash sin away forever and to eliminate the divide between the Father and His people.
Enter Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the long awaited Messiah.
I don’t know why God picked that exact time in history to bring the Saviour of the world into the earth. All that I know is that God knows what He is doing and I am sure glad He does. I’m ecstatic that I live on this side of the cross! How about you? God’s ways are perfect and He knows exactly what He is doing.
Jesus died, was buried in a borrowed tomb, and rose again from death into glory on the third day. What a glorious day it was!
Now, you can have intimate and passionate relationship with the One who created you and loves YOU so intensely.
What an amazing gift from Heaven!
Jesus is truly the best present ever!
Yes He is.
As you begin this Christmas season, have a think about what it truly is, deep down in your heart, what is it that you truly long for? What is your heart crying out for?
Is it healing? Ask Jesus for your healing.
Is it deeper relationships? Ask Jesus to bring you the right people.
Do you need freedom from a bad habit? Ask Jesus for help.
Do you need healing for a broken heart? Ask Jesus to heal you and put your heart back together. He’s the best at that.
Do you need a miracle in any area of your life? Ask Jesus for exactly what you need.
Do you long to know Him and who He really is? Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you in a way that you have never seen before, in a way that speaks personally to you.
Nothing pleases Him more.
Jesus simply is the reason for life!
Jesus came to earth to be the perfect example of how we have the potential to live, to show us how to do what He did, live how He did, love how He did
… and transform the world forever.
Jesus died to be the perfect sacrifice so that you don’t have to follow the 613 rules to have relationship with God. Now you can be forgiven for all of your sins – forever! You and me can now have a deep and personal relationship with Father God – just as Adam and Eve had in the Garden of Eden.
Jesus rose again so that we too can rise after our body dies and live with Father God in Heaven for all eternity. Our bodies can also be transformed to divine health and be totally restored while we’re alive, here on earth, just as His was.
You too can walk in love, power and miracles (Mark 16:17-18) because Jesus IS the reason for life.
Do you know Jesus in a deeply personal way that He would call you ‘friend’?
Do you long to know why you are here at this time, in the place where you live?
What aspect of Jesus, Father God, or Holy Spirit would you like to experience most?
All Jesus is asking of you is to sit with Him and listen to His voice. He so longs to love on you, bless you and speak to you and also to hear what’s on your heart. He longs to partner with you to accomplish great and amazing things in your lifetime
– whatever that looks like for you.
May I suggest that you take time to sit alone quietly and have a conversation with Jesus. This might be very difficult at the beginning, to sit quietly, but it will be worth the effort.
As you walk through your days, become conscious of the fact that you are never alone. Jesus is walking right beside you everywhere you go. Holy Spirit lives inside of you if you have submitted your life to Jesus. God has you in the palm of His hand, always.
How precious it is that you can’t get away from God – whether you know Him or not. He’s not going anywhere! HE LOVES YOU!
I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. What was your biggest take-away from this post? How difficult or easy was it for you to think about Jesus being with you all the time?
If you have found this post encouraging, please pass it on to a friend and/or on your social media sites so together, we can make the world a brighter place. Thanks heaps!
Have an amazing day!

Photo Credit: www.pexels.com
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