So much is going on in the world today and it can get you wondering if there really is anything good happening.
There certainly is … you may just have to be more intentional about finding it.
There were such horrific things happening in Jesus’ time on earth too.
It just looked different than it does today.
Have you ever thought that you could be the one who changes history?
Think about it.
Shem, Reuben, Pharoah’s Cupbearer, Shiphrah and Puah, Rahab, Abigail, Ittai the Gittite, Jael, Mary Magdalene, Priscilla, Hannah, the boy with the 5 loaves and 2 fish, and Joseph – Mary’s husband, just to name a few.
These were all men and women who changed the world. Some aren’t big names but important names, nonetheless.
They were world-changers.
One person.
One person made a decision to follow the Lord, wherever He went …
… and look what happened!
What if that one person was you?
What if God is calling you to be the one who changes your own part of the world?
Guess what?
He is.
You were born for such a time as this.
Here is what I hear the Lord saying today:
“I am looking for world-changers. But not the type of world-changers that you might be used to.
I don’t need world-changers who long for a platform.
I don’t need world-changers who are looking for fame.
I need world-changers who are humble in heart, are willing to go where I go and do what I do. (Jn 8:28)
Will you partner with Me in bringing Heaven to earth today? (Matt 6:10)
This is not the most tragic time in history – it just looks very different.
There was no internet throughout the ages to let everyone in the world know what was happening.
I am here to give you freedom – freedom in your mind, your soul, your body, your spirit.
I am here to set the captives free, to heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons. (Matt 10:8)
I am here so that you can do all of these things too.
Will you take My hand and come and do miracles with Me? (Jn 14:12)
I need your praying mouth and heart.
I need your hands to lay them on the sick.
I need your feet to go to the desolate places to deliver My good news.
I need your heart to download revelation to to give the world answers for today’s challenges. (Amos 3:7)
I long to place you in a position of abundance so that you can influence many.(Jn 10:10)
The Great Shuffle …
I am about to move people around, those who are willing, for the enemy is almost at a ‘checkmate’.
The pieces are almost in place and my kings and queens are about to take out the enemy.
Will you be those kings and queens?
I could intervene sovereignly but I would rather do it through and with My children, whom I love and adore.
Together, nothing is impossible.
Do you believe that?
Have the burdens and challenges of today diminished that fire within you that once burned bright?
Let Me, personally, reignite that flame.
I send out My royal invitation to you to be a part of one of the greatest times in history.
You are My children, My royal priesthood. (1 Pt 2:9)
It’s YOU who will change the world.
It’s YOU who will bring in the lost sheep of the world.
It’s YOU who will glorify My Name in the earth.
It’s YOU who will live the abundant life that My Son died and rose again to give you. (Jn 10:10)
Do you want it?
Do you want to see miracles happen in your own life and in the lives of those you love?
Come to Me and ask. (Jam 4:2)
You don’t have because you don’t ask Me.
I long to give you the desires of your heart. (Ps 37:4)
I put them there.
You see, I want you to have what your heart’s desire.
Ask Me today.
What do you want?
Now is the time to be close to Me for I am about to reveal secrets of Heaven that have never been whispered before.
Come close and place your ear on My chest so that you can feel my heart’s yearning for you.
Allow Me to love you, don’t resist.
Receive My love and acceptance for no-one will love you like I do.
Let Me hold you in My arms and draw you close.
Here is where your protection lies. (Ps 91)
Here is where you will hear My heart and the whispers of My love for you.
Come, be the change with me.
Be the change that you want to see.
Deliver freedom to the captives.
Pray for healing, pray for deliverance, pray for provision and watch what happens. (Matt 10:8)
Pray, declare, command … just as Jesus taught you to do in My World.
I love you. I adore you.
I have your back. Trust My love for you.”
Do you feel Father God’s love pulling on your heart?
He has secrets to tell you personally that He won’t share with anyone else.
He longs to hold you close but did you know you that you need to give Him permission?
He will not hold you if you don’t want Him to. (Draw near to Him
Did you know that you can be a ‘behind the scenes’ world changer?
Many people in the Bible get one mention but they helped change the course of history.
You can do that too!
What is one thing that you can do to bring light into your world today?
Who can you encourage and give kindness to today?
Drop some suggestions in the comments below so that we can share ideas and become world-changers together.
Remember to ask God for the desires of your heart. The ones He put there He’ll give to you.
Have an amazing week and abundant blessings to you.

Photo Credit: canva.com
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