There are so many fantastic things that are waiting for you in your future.
In the midst of a very confusing time, it can be difficult to centre your thoughts on the future, let alone believe that there may be great things ahead.
As I was going about my day, the Lord spoke this sentence into my spirit,
“The Kingdom of God is always about advancement.”
I asked Him to tell me more and this is His response. I pray it brings you great comfort as well as a vision of all the possibilities of hope and excitement for the future.
“My Kingdom is always moving forward, ever expanding, ever increasing.
I do not look back but rejoice at what lies ahead for My people.
No matter what happens, I am with My children.
If one falls into a pit, I am there also to help them climb out.
If one is swept out into the deep waters, I am there to bring them safely back dry ground.
I will never leave one of My children behind when they call out to Me.
I am never deaf to their cries or to their praise.
Just as a mother hen gathers all her chicks under her wings of protection, so do I with those who will intentionally come into my arms.
Are you ready?
What is about to come upon the earth with cause you to shout for joy.
The miracles that you have been longing and contending for
are about to be seen in your life.
Ignore the naysayers and dooms day voices.
This is in no way the end!
The greatest time in history is almost upon you!
The world will see My power and they will come to you for answers and direction.
You need to know that it is Me moving.
You need to discern what is of My Kingdom and what is of the evil one.
Do not presume that you will know outrightly if your ear has not been close to My heart and your eyes have not been devouring My Word.
This is how you will know it is Me – listen to My heart and My voice and search out the Scriptures.
I am about to move in ways that have never been seen before.
This will be the greatest revival in the history of My Church.
This will be the most glorious time so far.
It will be way better than you could ever possibly imagine.
I chose YOU to be born into this exact time.
I chose YOU to be living exactly where you are right now.
I choose YOU to partner with Me to bring Heaven into the earth.
Will you join Me?
Will you give Me your “Yes”, regardless of what I ask you to do?
Will you trust Me to look after you and lead you to an abundant life?
This is My personal invitation to you …
… come with Me for the ride of your life!
Take My hand, go where I am going and you will see and experience things that will leave you in awe.
Will you come?”
There is such a tension in this exact moment in time.
There is such glory to be seen in this season as well as the tragedy.
I too invite you to give your “Yes” to Father God.
You can trust Him.
He only has your best at heart.
Are you ready?
If you are, please type “I AM” in the comments below. We’d all love to pray for you and celebrate your decision with you.
I put my hands up too. Will you come with me?
As always, abundant blessings to you.

Faith & Personal Development Strategist
Kingdom Mindset & Beliefs Coach
(Photo Credit: www.canva.com)
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