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Your Abundant Life Awaits

Your Abundant Life Awaits

christian life Sep 14, 2017

John 10:10b (AMP) says:

I (Jesus) came that they (you and me) may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].”   (Parentheses mine)

The more time I spend listening to people, the more I realise that true enjoyment of life and abundance of hope and joy is lacking.

If what Jesus says is true, then why are many people not experiencing this abundant life, and what is stopping them from obtaining it?

Here is a major key that I have found that holds many people captive.

I have often pondered the question of why did Judas go to hell. He was sorry for what he did, wasn’t he? Have you ever thought about it? Stay with me, the key is found here.

A beautiful friend asked me the very same question just this afternoon. I am by no means a theologian but this is the answer that dropped into my mind.

What was the difference between Judas and Peter? (Peter is my favourite character in the Bible so I am picking on him today.) They both walked alongside Jesus for 3 years. They both betrayed the Son of God. They both acted selfishly. They both did and said really stupid things …. so why did one man go on to be one of most bold advocates for Jesus, and who also walked in such incredible supernatural power, while the other went and hung himself?

The answer that came to me was this:  FORGIVENESS. One man sought it and received it while the other didn’t.

Peter Sought Forgiveness

We all sin. We all need it.

After the resurrection of Jesus, Peter was out on his fishing boat doing exactly what he knew how to do. As soon as he realised that Jesus was standing on the water’s edge, Peter put on his cloak, jumped out of the boat and strained to get to Jesus as fast as he could. I dare say he was going to ask Jesus for His forgiveness for denying Him. He wanted his relationship made right and Peter would do whatever it took to restore their friendship. (John 21:7)

On the other hand, when Judas realised what he had done, he ran away to a field and hung himself. (Matthew 27:3-5) What a very tragic end.

Forgiveness was on offer to both men. No sin is unforgivable up until the very last breath of a man. The only difference was – one man sought and received forgiveness, the other did not.

Sadly, this is not an uncommon tale.

Over the years I have prayed with many people. One of the biggest things that I come across is that people have a very hard time coming to Jesus to ask for forgiveness in the first place but when they do, they don’t receive it. It’s like asking someone to pass you a drink but you keep your fists closed as the glass is passed to you. You can’t hold the glass until you open your hand and receive it. It’s just like forgiveness. You must choose, by an act of your will, to receive the forgiveness that is being offered to you. It’s free of charge to you, but it was paid with a very hefty price tag – the death of Jesus. People feel that they don’t deserve it so they don’t draw near Him to ask. They are right, none of us deserve it but yet it is still on offer.

All that to say, accepting forgiveness for your sin is the precursor to also receiving the abundant life that Jesus died to GIVE you.

Remember, accepting forgiveness has nothing to do with us feeling worthy of it – it’s a choice.

Choose today to ask Jesus for forgiveness, no matter how bad your actions, words or thoughts were. A sin is a sin and a lie will keep you out of Heaven just as much as you murdering someone. Choose, as an act of your will to ask for forgiveness but to then actually take the forgiveness that is freely given to you. Take it and then open the door to joy, hope and the abundance that Jesus so desperately wants to give you.

“Bring it on!” I say.

God is a God of love. He IS love. He is willing to throw your sins as far as the ‘east is from the west’ (Psalm 103:12).

Run to Jesus just as Peter did. Don’t run in the other direction. Ask and receive forgiveness today, then like Peter, you too will experience the joy and hope of the powerful, abundant life.

The most important thing to then do is ….. drum roll please ……


Please, don’t forget this last step. It’s a vital step to take in the process towards freedom.

Take Jesus up on His offer today. Take the abundant life that He is offering you and receive it with open arms. You’ll be SO glad you did!


If you would like prayer in this area, please write in the comments below or email me via the ‘Contact Form‘. I would love to hear any good things that come from you receiving forgiveness. Please share them too and let us encourage one another in our walk together.


As always, many blessings to you.



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