Courageous Kingdom Blog

Key #1 Know Who You Are christian life power-filled life May 15, 2018

We begin a journey on how to defeat the devil no matter what he throws at you.

Does this sound like fun?

It totally is but I must warn you – you will be tested on it if you choose to step out into this journey. I can guarantee you of that.

However, don’t let this deter you. You already have the v...

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Christianity is Not For Wimps! christian life May 08, 2018

As a child, I was frightened of a lot of things – and some for very good reason. As an adult, I now realise that the biggest thing that I feared was the dark. To be honest this still occurred until 3 years ago when I had the issue dealt with.

Why the dark? Well, things happened in the dark but the ...

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Is There More Than This? christian life Apr 24, 2018

Tend The Sheep Where You Are

I was feeling so frustrated about all the needs around the world, and even in my own little world and I was sharing this with my amazing husband. He processes his thoughts (which I admire and irritates me all at the same time) and so after a short time of quiet reflecti...

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You Are Special Today And Always christian life Apr 06, 2018

Life is so amazing! Every breath that you breathe and every cell in your body is made and seen by God. Even every hair on your head (and those that have fallen down the drain in the shower) are numbered by Him (Matt 10:30).

This is how special and precious YOU are to your Father in Heaven.

Do you ...

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God Didn’t Turn Away From Jesus… christian life Mar 22, 2018

… so He’ll never turn away from you!

Isn’t this so comforting?!

As we come up to Easter, the verse from Matthew 27:46 is usually quoted. “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” and we’re told that God turned away from Jesus. Have you heard this before?

Through the years, I have heard and read...

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YOU ARE The Light Of The World! christian life power-filled life Mar 14, 2018

“You ARE the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.”   Matthew 5:14 (NLT)

If you have a relationship with Jesus Christ, YOU ARE the light of the world and YOU ARE on the winning team!

Now, you just need to act like it.

Do you sometimes feel that the battle you are goin

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Don’t Give Up! christian life power-filled life Feb 27, 2018

We are living in a time of acceleration so this is not the season to take your bat and ball and go home.

I’m here to encourage you today ….. DON’T GIVE UP!

Do you have a dream in your heart? Do you have a promise from God that is yet to be fulfilled?

There is an appointed time that is set for you...

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Your Greatest Weapon christian life power-filled life Feb 20, 2018

When you hear of a family member or close friend who is going through a hard time, do you feel helpless and don’t know what to do?

Have you offered to pray for them only to walk away feeling powerless because you just want to fix it but can’t?

I used to feel like this until I discovered the greate...

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If Your Shoes Could Talk What Would They Say? christian life Feb 13, 2018

“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news, who announces salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.””   Isaiah 52:7 NRSV

This title really made me think about the places that I have walked in my life. How about you? Where have your...

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Get to Know God in the Good Times christian life power-filled life Jan 10, 2018

Who Is God For You?

This is a question that you might like to ask yourself and really contemplate when you are in a place of less turmoil.

Our previous 6 years have been quite exhausting to say the least, and there were times when I was ready to walk away from the calling that God has placed on my...

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Forget The Past, Your Future Awaits! christian life Dec 29, 2017

Make 2018 your best year yet!

I watch my daughter at swimming lessons and on the weeks that I remind her, “Don’t look back”, she wins the races almost every time. When I forget to prompt her, she inevitably races while her head is to the side, looking to see where her opponents are. Granted, these ...

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Joy To The World! christian life Dec 19, 2017

Well, Christmas is almost upon us once again.

This is my absolute favourite time of the year. How about you? The decorations are up in the shops, the Christmas Carols are playing (mostly) and it seems easier to start up conversations with strangers as you stand in line, waiting to be served with a ...

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