Further to my previous post, I really want to emphasise how love is the very first thing on God’s agenda – every single moment.
This is the Father’s heart.
People don’t come to Jesus in a true and passionate way through fear. There is no example of Jesus terrorising people with fear tactics to mak...
The Final Stretch
In the previous 4 weeks we have been looking at a snapshot of Jesus as told in Matthew Chapter 4.
You can find the different parts to this series here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.
Jesus has just come out of seeming obscurity, was baptised with Holy Spirit, taken out into...
“And He said to them, “Follow Me [as My disciples, accepting Me as your Master and Teacher and walking the same path of life that I walk], and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19 AMP)
We have been walking through part of the journey that Jesus took from training (testing) to purpose...
God orchestrated history, just so you – at this very moment, in His prefect timing – could have a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus. How amazing!!
Here, we continue on the journey of Jesus from training to purpose to destiny and how it relates to you and me. I hope you are enjoying this...
Last time we looked at Jesus being our example and how He walked in our shoes in being tempted when He was on the earth. You can read Part 1 here if you missed it.
Today we will look at the temptations of Jesus. We are reading from Matthew, Chapter 4.
The Temptations of Jesus All Relate To You ...
Do you sometimes feel like your life is a reproduction of the movie ‘Groundhog Day’ – the same thing, day after day after day? Mine most certainly does at times. Or do you feel stuck in a seemingly endless situation eg. a job that you loathe, nappies up to your ears, or a bad habit that you just can...
This is such a special time to celebrate ….. the death and resurrection of our precious Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Without this time, we would still be sacrificing animals out in the back yard. No thanks! We would still be trying to ‘work’ our way to Heaven. Again, no thanks.
It really is ...
Women are such amazing creations aren’t we. So complex, so creative, so nurturing, so ……… confusing to the male race.
Living in a house with 5 males and only 3 females, we are bit outnumbered. At times I think or say, depending on how controlled I am in that particular moment, “How on earth did you...
It’s not as hard as you may think.
“GO into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to the whole creation.” Mark 16:15
No-one enjoys being ‘Bible bashed’ so what does the above verse look like in practical ways?
Let me clarify. I am not talking about sharing with people on a large scale. I am t...
It’s as simple as that ….
Then, all you have to do is wait for the answer. That can be the challenging part.
Think for a moment. What do you do when you first have a problem that needs solving, or you are confused about a situation? Do you spend copious amounts of time striving to find the answer ...
Where to start ….
How awesome is Jesus! That’s a good place.
To think that the King of Glory CHOSE to come down to earth, to be amongst people who would love Him one moment and in the next, would deny Him and want Him killed. He left His place of safety, of fun, of pure love and enjoyment, of tot...
I don’t know about you but I want … I NEED more of Jesus.
I LOVE teachings by Katie Souza and she walks in amazing miracles that help people get free and live a life for Jesus. She totally lives for Jesus and bringing others to Him.
I want that!!! Do you?
Maybe not and that’s ok. This could be ju...