Courageous Kingdom Blog

Endless Possibilities – The Next Step christian life Jan 22, 2019

What do you love to do?

What brings immense joy to your heart?

If you could do anything, what would you do?

I don’t want you to rush past these questions. Take some time to sit and really ponder these things.

I know people who will never allow themselves to sit in silence. In the car they have t...

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2019 – The Year of Endless Possibilities! christian life Jan 09, 2019

Do you believe that?

It truly is ….

…. the year of endless possibilities!

Every year has endless possibilities.

Every month has endless possibilities.

Every week and every day has endless possibilities.

Have you ever thought about that? You don’t know what is going to happen in the next minute...

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The 2 Most Important Goals For 2019 christian life Jan 01, 2019

Let me begin by saying …


I hope this coming year will be filled with past dreams realised and new dreams birthed in you.

With all the emails, blog posts, social media posts, courses etc. on setting goals for 2019, I’d like to suggest two of the most important goals that you could ...

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How To Tell People About Jesus christian life Dec 18, 2018

I don’t know about you but the thought of talking to someone in the street and telling them about Jesus scares the bejeebers out of me. I can say to them, “Hey, I love your tattoo.” or “Can I help you with that?” or some other encouraging words.

How does the thought of speaking to strangers appeal ...

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What Do You Want? christian life Dec 11, 2018

It’s a question that gets thrown around during the weeks leading up to Christmas. I know that I have asked it of my own family and friends before Christmas and their birthdays. Little do they know I make note of when they make mention of something they like during the year before so I always have so...

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Tips For Keeping Your Sanity At Christmas christian life christmas power-filled life Dec 06, 2018

For some people, Christmas is not a fun time. For others, it’s completely amazing.

December is my favourite time of the year. I actually enjoy the lead up to Christmas more than the actual day because it’s over so quickly. In saying that, the most favourite part of the whole thing for me, besides J...

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Will God Ever Turn Away From You? christian life Nov 28, 2018

What do you think? Maybe there is something that you did that you think God is so angry at you about. Maybe you think that it’s so bad, God would not want to look at you ever again and this keeps you from coming closer to Him.

The thing is, if you believe that God turned away from Jesus while He hu...

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Where Is Your Biggest Battle Today? christian life power-filled life Nov 21, 2018

The answer may surprise you.

Life is so amazing but there are times when there are struggles that can be almost overwhelming.

Where is your biggest battle today?

Maybe you are wondering where the money will come from to pay an unexpected bill.
Maybe you are in a situation where you are being bulli...

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You Can Have Heaven Now – Part 1 christian life Nov 07, 2018

Have you ever had a day or a week where you had the thought, “I kinda wish I was in Heaven right now”? Not because you want to die or anything. It would just be sooooo nice to be in a place where peace reigns, all your needs are met, and someone isn’t sitting on the car horn behind you, flapping the...

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God’s Plans For You Are ALWAYS Good! christian life Oct 30, 2018

Hi there. Did you know that God’s plans for you are always good?


Are there things happening in your life that you wonder if this is true?

Maybe you have a sickness, an injury, a painful situation, or maybe you are overly anxious about what is going on in the world today. It seemingly won’...

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Is God Really In Control? Pt 2 christian life Oct 24, 2018

Knowing that God is NOT in control is such a freeing thing. Really! And it makes it so much easier to submit to a God who you know LOVES you and is not a dictator.

(If you would like to see how God is not in control to put this post in context, please read Part 1 here)

I grew up surrounded by very...

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Is God Really in Control? Pt 1 christian life Oct 17, 2018

Well ……

I realise that even this title will create a reaction in some people’s hearts but I’d like you to come on a journey of discovery with me.

What do the following verses have in common?

“As you go ….. heal the sick and raise the dead” – Matthew 10:7-8
(You) “resist the devil and he will flee”...

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