As I was reading My Bible 4 days before I released this word, there were verses that stood out to me and I could tangibly feel their weight for this time. I believe that this is a Word in season for us in the Body of Christ right now.
I'll begin with this verse:
“From heaven you sentenced your ene...
Have you ever heard a sound that no-one around you heard?
What about being at home by yourself and you were 100% certain that you saw someone move in the room out of the corner of your eye?
No, you’re not going crazy.
You are literally seeing ‘beyond the veil’.
Have you heard that term before?
...How exciting … but what does this actually mean?
Have you ever been to the mountains and yelled at the top of your lungs just to see if the mountains would respond?
An echo occurs when a sound hits a hard, smooth object and reflects back to the one who made the sound and to those in the nearby are...
YOU CAN DO IT … the trick is to START!
Do you feel so unmotivated because you wonder what 2022 is going to look like?
Will it be more of the same or is it going to improve?
I have been asking the Lord the same question and His response was, “It depends from whose perspective you are looking?”
So much is going on in the world today and it can get you wondering if there really is anything good happening.
There certainly is … you may just have to be more intentional about finding it.
There were such horrific things happening in Jesus’ time on earth too.
It just looked different than it d...
As I woke up this morning, Sunday, I heard the Lord speaking these words into my mind:
“It’s time to draw near to Me so the enemy will flee!”
You see, I had sunk into a hole of deep sadness, to the point of not wanting to get out of bed and to just hide from the world.
This is not usual for me at...
There are so many fantastic things that are waiting for you in your future.
In the midst of a very confusing time, it can be difficult to centre your thoughts on the future, let alone believe that there may be great things ahead.
As I was going about my day, the Lord spoke this sentence into my sp...
Do you ever feel alone, maybe wondering what’s the point of your life?
It’s easy to live in fear today and think, “What’s the point? Why am I here? What’s going to happen?”
The good news is …
"For God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.”" Hebrews 13:5b...
Are you longing for the ‘MORE’ of God?
Are you ready to receive deeper truths, revelations, solutions and ideas from Heaven?
Truths that have never been heard or seen before?
Falling into …
The Lord showed me a picture of me and others standing on the very edge of an en...
Each day comes and goes – the sun rises and sets.
Good things happen and bad things happen and the dawn always comes.
Time stops for no man …
… how true this is.
Wait world! Something amazing just happened. Stop and take a look!
Stop!!! A death has occurred, your breath is taken away yet th...
As I was praying I saw a very clear picture in my imagination.
It was like the sky opened up, like a huge portal, and many angels began descending to the earth. I instinctively knew that they were being sent all over the globe.
This is what I sensed the Lord is saying,
“The earth is crying out fo...
As I sat with the Lord I asked Him what was on His heart for you today.
His first words were, “What do you need today?”
As I began to write these words, this is what I heard Him saying to you …
“Are you longing for answers to the questions that continually roll around in your mind?
Do thoughts o...