Courageous Kingdom Blog

The Day I Bought a $42 bottle of Coke power-filled life Oct 18, 2016

Well not literally …. but kind of.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation and you wondered how on earth you got there?

I have …. many times. Let me share.

From my very first thought of wanting a drink of Coke, when I wasn’t even going to the shops, to the point of being at a takeaway shop bu...

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Forgiving Others When You Don’t Want To christian life power-filled life Oct 11, 2016

“And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments.”  Luke 23:34 (ESV)

Have you ever said something only to hear it again repeated, but this time, it is not even closely related to the original words spoken? Chinese Whispers is the

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How Long Do I Have To Wait! christian life Oct 04, 2016

Do you have a dream in your heart that is feeling like it will never happen?

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”  Romans 12:12

Almost 23 years ago, I was standing on a chair cleaning the top of a cupboard, absolutely exhausted, when a strong picture flashed into my...

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How to be Free From Shame christian life Sep 27, 2016

Jesus IS the answer!

“And there was a woman who had had a discharge of blood for twelve years ……… For she said, “If I touch even His (Jesus’) garments, I will be made well.””  Mark 5:25 & 28 (ESV) (Parentheses mine)

These may seem like strange verses but bear with me. I am going somewhere with thi...

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Are You Prepared to Die? Is There Really Life After Death? christian life Sep 20, 2016

Life can be so incredibly amazing but, have you ever thought about what happens after you die?

Is there life after death? If so, where and what is it?

These is probably silly questions as I think most people would think about this at some time in their lives.

Let’s look at it.

“Come now, you who...

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The Power of Worship christian life power-filled life Sep 13, 2016

“But when you pray, go into your most private room, close the door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees [what is done] in secret will reward you.”  Matthew 6:6 (AMP)

Have you ever wondered what one key might be that leads to an answered prayer?

An Uninvited Visitor


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What is Love Anyway? power-filled life Sep 06, 2016

I am so glad you asked.

When I first met my husband, he was such a quiet guy and seemed so genuine. Almost too genuine to be real. We were in the worship team at church together but didn’t really have too much to do with each other outside of there. One night, I was in the congregation and he was p...

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Does God Really Love You? You Bet He Does! christian life Aug 30, 2016

Do you sometimes think, “Does God really love me?” or “Does He even know I exist?”

A resounding … YES HE DOES!

You are NOT an accident.

How do I know this?

There are many passages of Scripture that I love, but the one I love the most is Psalm 139. I encourage you to read it everyday to let it si...

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How To Get Your Prayers Answered power-filled life Aug 21, 2016

Have you ever wondered how to actually get your prayers answered?

Is there a trick to it?

Let me tell you a story.

The phone rang, which doesn’t happen too often nowadays now that we have email and texting, and it was a distraught family member on the other end. A close relative was on holidays a...

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