Have you ever looked at your life and wondered how you got here?
Has the thought ever crossed your mind, “Is this all there is? Is there more?”
Maybe you are comfortable right where you are, and that’s totally ok. But maybe you are wondering if there really is more to your life than this.
I used ...
So much is happening in the world today.
Are you confused at how we are to think and respond to the current events?
Racism has been brought forth into our view but sadly it has been rumbling beneath the surface with outbursts here and there for centuries.
These issues have been burdening my heart...
Have you ever woken up and there is a song going around and around in your head? You wonder, “Why on earth am thinking of that? I haven’t heard that song in years.”
Maybe you are lying there, first thing in the morning, (or even the middle of the night) and a brilliant idea drops into your mind. Yo...
Are you struggling in this isolation or are you a bit like me, secretly enjoying the down time and the fact of not having to rush anywhere? (Although I do really miss being with my friends and going to church.)
However you feel, there are challenges and blessings in such a time as this.
This will ...
Father God is about to lift the restrictions in your life!
Really, really.
As I was journalling the other morning, I heard the Lord say,
“At the same time that the restrictions will be lifted in the natural realm, so will the restrictions be lifted in the supernatural realm.”
Do you have such a ...
Have you ever wondered what Communion means for you today?
Why is it important?
Dining With Your Hero
Imagine that you are sitting at a long table with all of your friends and your best friend, your hero, is sitting right next to you. You have all been on missions trips together, you have seen th...
A message for you, from Father God, to give you hope.
“My beloved child.
Oh how I long to be your Shelter, your Rest and your Shield. If you would only look to me today to see how loving and strong I am. You can trust Me. You can know that I am your Heavenly Father and that I will always be with y...
How are you feeling?
Be Filled With Hope Today
Today I want to encourage you above all the negative voices. No matter what you feel or think about all that is going on around you, there is always hope – and His Name is Jesus!
This is the time for the Church to shine. Random acts of kin...
No matter what is going on in your life right at this moment, no matter what challenges you are facing, there is one thing that you can be absolutely sure of …
God’s plans for you are always good!
This is Part 3 of the series of living a powerful life. This is just as crucial as the first 2 parts....
This is the time to be the most powerful in your walk with Jesus, and to shine the brightest with His Light in the relationships that surround you.
We are living in a world filled with confusion and mayhem, and some people are just not sure what is right or wrong, good or evil anymore.
So, what is...
Do you feel like you lack supernatural power to get through each day, and maybe even be frustrated in your walk with Jesus and wonder how to move past whatever it is that seems to be standing in your way?
Never fear … there is an answer!
To have a truly powerful life, here is the first of 3 import...
Do you feel incredibly frustrated that this year is panning out to being similar to last year, and the year before that, and the year before that?
Have you thought about tomorrow or are you just surviving today?
I want to encourage you …
Today’s post is really practical....