Courageous Kingdom Blog

God’s Plans For You Are ALWAYS Good! christian life Oct 30, 2018

Hi there. Did you know that God’s plans for you are always good?


Are there things happening in your life that you wonder if this is true?

Maybe you have a sickness, an injury, a painful situation, or maybe you are overly anxious about what is going on in the world today. It...

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Is God Really In Control? Pt 2 christian life Oct 24, 2018

Knowing that God is NOT in control is such a freeing thing. Really! And it makes it so much easier to submit to a God who you know LOVES you and is not a dictator.

(If you would like to see how God is not in control to put this post in context, please read Part 1 here)

I grew up surrounded...

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Is God Really in Control? Pt 1 christian life Oct 17, 2018

Well ……

I realise that even this title will create a reaction in some people’s hearts but I’d like you to come on a journey of discovery with me.

What do the following verses have in common?

“As you go ….. heal the sick and raise the dead”...

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A Different Way To Look At Hard Times christian life Oct 10, 2018

“Without conflict and struggle there is no growth.”

This was the random statement that my eldest son came out with on the way to church last Sunday. It sparked my attention so we entered into a very interesting conversation. It was still rolling around in my mind once we got to church...

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Are Your Choices Propelling You Towards Your Destiny? christian life power-filled life Oct 02, 2018

I have personally made so many dumb and completely stupid choices in my life but I have also made some spectacular and brilliant ones too.

We make hundreds of choices every single day.

Are the choices that you are making today driving you towards your purpose and destiny? Have you ever thought...

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The Extraordinary Is Possible christian life power-filled life Sep 19, 2018

Have you heard of the amazing stories where people have accomplished great feats, witnessed seemingly impossible miracles, seen many people come to Christ or just seem have an exciting life that you want?

Do you sometimes feel like you are ‘just an ordinary person’?

Do you feel like...

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Key #10 – Stand …. In Your Victory christian life power-filled life Sep 12, 2018

Well, we have been on quite a journey discovering some of the different weapons of spiritual warfare that are found in the Bible.

If you are new here, “WELCOME“. You can check out all the blogs in the series here:

Key #1 – Know Who You Are
Key #2 – All You Need Is …

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Key #9 Conversations With God christian life Aug 21, 2018

Prayer is an interactive partnership with a loving Heavenly Father.

I just love my conversations with God. They are so precious to me.

This is what prayer is:  A TWO-WAY CONVERSATION WITH GOD.

Conversations (prayer) can happen any place at any time. There are no restrictions in talking...

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Key #8 The Truth That WILL Set You Free! christian life power-filled life Aug 14, 2018

You most likely have heard this saying thrown around in movies, books, everyday conversation, anywhere really.

“You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”   John 8:32

But have you ever read this Bible verse in context to the chapters and verses that...

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Key #7 Sing Your Victory Song Jul 24, 2018

We are discussing weapons to use against the demonic realm. (For the previous 6 weapons, see the links at the bottom of this post.)

This one might seem a bit weird but it is true. Singing is a real weapon of warfare. Just look at all the Psalms that were written specifically to sing!...

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Key #6 Thanksgiving and Praise christian life Jul 11, 2018

This is such an powerful way to fight against Satan. Not only is it a weapon of warfare, it makes you feel SO GOOD!

So, what are you grateful for today?

Terri Savelle-Foy consistently says, “Don’t look at what you don’t have, focus on what you DO have.”

I have...

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Key #5 Prophecy – Your Secret Weapon christian life Jul 04, 2018

Have you ever had a prophetic word given to you and you became truly excited at the thought of it coming to pass? Did it scare the beejeebers out of you? Did it sound so outlandish that you knew it could ONLY be God that could pull it off?

(If you haven’t received a prophetic word yet,...

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