Courageous Kingdom Blog

The Process To Destiny – Part 5 all about jesus christian life power-filled life Jun 01, 2017

The Final Stretch

In the previous 4 weeks we have been looking at a snapshot of Jesus as told in Matthew Chapter 4.

You can find the different parts to this series here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

Jesus has just come out of seeming obscurity, was baptised with Holy Spirit, taken out into...

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The Process To Destiny – Part 4 all about jesus christian life power-filled life May 23, 2017

“And He said to them, “Follow Me [as My disciples, accepting Me as your Master and Teacher and walking the same path of life that I walk], and I will make you fishers of men.”      (Matthew 4:19 AMP)

We have been walking through part of the journey that Jesus took from training (testing) to purpose...

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The Process To Destiny – Part 3 all about jesus christian life May 16, 2017

God orchestrated history, just so you – at this very moment, in His prefect timing – could have a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus. How amazing!!

Here, we continue on the journey of Jesus from training to purpose to destiny and how it relates to you and me. I hope you are enjoying this...

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The Process To Destiny – Part 2 all about jesus christian life power-filled life May 09, 2017

Last time we looked at Jesus being our example and how He walked in our shoes in being tempted when He was on the earth. You can read Part 1 here if you missed it.

Today we will look at the temptations of Jesus. We are reading from Matthew, Chapter 4.


The Temptations of Jesus All Relate To You ...

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The Process To Destiny – Part 1 all about jesus christian life May 03, 2017

Do you sometimes feel like your life is a reproduction of the movie ‘Groundhog Day’ – the same thing, day after day after day? Mine most certainly does at times. Or do you feel stuck in a seemingly endless situation eg. a job that you loathe, nappies up to your ears, or a bad habit that you just can...

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Are You Asleep? christian life Apr 26, 2017

Something really odd happened to me the other morning that I had never experienced before. It had happened to my husband previously and to be honest, I laughed as I thought he was joking – which is not unusual, his joking I mean.

It was the school holidays and I was thoroughly enjoying an early mor...

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HE IS RISEN! He Is Risen Indeed! all about jesus christian life Apr 16, 2017


This is such a special time to celebrate ….. the death and resurrection of our precious Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Without this time, we would still be sacrificing animals out in the back yard. No thanks! We would still be trying to ‘work’ our way to Heaven. Again, no thanks.

It really is ...

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Who Decides The Levels Of Sin? christian life Apr 04, 2017

Today I write a personal post that is right now, tugging at my heart strings. I pray it encourages and frees you.

Death is becoming more real to me as I get older. Just in this past 2 weeks, I have had news of the passing of 2 of my extended family members. I didn’t know them well and had only met ...

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How To Read The Bible christian life power-filled life Mar 21, 2017

“All Scripture is God-breathed (given by divine inspiration) and is profitable for instruction, for conviction (of sin), for correction (of error and restoration to obedience), for training in righteousness (learning to live in conformity to God’s will, both publicly and privately – behaving honoura...

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God Honours Women all about jesus christian life power-filled life Mar 15, 2017

Women are such amazing creations aren’t we. So complex, so creative, so nurturing, so ……… confusing to the male race.

Living in a house with 5 males and only 3 females, we are bit outnumbered. At times I think or say, depending on how controlled I am in that particular moment, “How on earth did you...

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Jesus Loves ………. YOU! christian life Mar 09, 2017

He really does. Jesus does love you.

I have been thinking about how Jesus drew people to Himself as shared in the books of the Bible – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Jesus drew people to Himself by His love and kindness for them.

My son’s car lights and windscreen wipers stopped working as he was...

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How To Proclaim Jesus To Your World all about jesus christian life Feb 28, 2017

It’s not as hard as you may think.

“GO into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to the whole creation.”     Mark 16:15

No-one enjoys being ‘Bible bashed’ so what does the above verse look like in practical ways?

Let me clarify. I am not talking about sharing with people on a large scale. I am t...

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