Courageous Kingdom Blog

God is a Father Too christian life Sep 05, 2017


Who do you think of when you hear the words “Father God”? How do you picture Him?

If you’re anything like me, you might have or had visions of a gigantic man, sitting on a massive throne with a big stick in his mighty right hand and a permanent scowl on his face.

This is how I...

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Why Am I Here? christian life Aug 29, 2017

Every person on the planet has plans, purposes, and meaning for their lives. EVERY PERSON ….

…. including YOU!

You have probably heard this so very often ….. but do you really believe it?

Who you see yourself as and who you believe you belong to is at the core of everything you do, say and think....

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Begin Your Transformed Life Today christian life Aug 23, 2017

Do you want a transformed life? My guess is for some of you, the answer will be a resounding “YES!”

I am going to give you one key that will set you on the road to your transformed life. Can you guess what it is?

It’s not money. It’s not your attitude although that is important. It’s not other peo...

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Women Arise! christian life Aug 15, 2017

God is elevating women to their rightful place in society!

“God Almighty declares the Word of the gospel with power, and the warring women of Zion deliver its message: “The conquering legions have themselves been conquered. Look at them flee!” Now Zion’s women are left to gather the spoils.”    Psa...

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Place Your Stake In The Ground christian life Aug 08, 2017

In everyone’s life, there is a defining moment when a situation occurs and a decision has to be made – a stake must be placed in the proverbial ground.

A situation happened in the last week that cut me very deeply. Remember the last time you had one of those? What was your reaction? I had a hissy f...

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A New Move Of God Is Coming! christian life Aug 01, 2017

I have begun this post numerous times on different subjects and none of them have seemed timely. My desire is always to bring to you what is on the Father’s heart for this point in time.

So ……. here it goes.

There is a new move of God coming. What will this move look like? Each time the Lord speak...

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How Fertile Is The Soil Of Your Life? christian life Jul 20, 2017

I love reading. It’s one of my most favourite things to do.  I am fully convinced that my home in Heaven will actually be a library lined with all my favourite books, (in height order so I know where they are located – don’t ask) as well as all the books that I would have liked to have read in my li...

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How To Live A Power-Filled Life – Part 2 christian life power-filled life Jul 13, 2017

You only have 2 choices in life: You can believe what the devil says about you and to you OR, you can believe what God, your Heavenly Father and Creator, says about you and to you. It’s up to you to choose wisely.

Our verse that we looked at last week is from James 4:7. (Part 1 is here for you to r...

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How To Live a Power-Filled Life – Part 1 christian life power-filled life Jul 04, 2017

Have you ever wondered how you can be the best person you were created to be and to triumph in the sphere of influence that you have been called to? Did you know that the Bible has all the answers to these questions?

It may seem obvious but many people do not realise that the main area that keeps t...

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Kindness – Real Evangelism christian life power-filled life Jun 27, 2017

Have you ever had someone do or say something kind to you and you felt, in that moment, like the burden that you were carrying became lighter? For that one brief second, in the midst of your pain you felt your heart smile.

“The Great Commission” in Matthew 28:18-20 (NLT), as it has become known, sa...

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Keys To Hearing God Speak christian life power-filled life Jun 14, 2017

Have you ever decided that you were going to really see what the Bible has to say to you but found it tough going? Do you have to read some passages 4 or 5 times and still don’t understand what the writer is talking about? Let’s be honest. Sometimes the words seem so lifeless and hard to understand ...

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God Brings Promises To Life christian life Jun 06, 2017

Has God spoken a word, a blessing or a promise to you that hasn’t yet come to pass? If you could see me, my hand is up.

God is so amazing. His timing is always so perfect.

“There is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven.”  Ecclesi...

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