Today we celebrate YOU on this Mother’s Day.
Whether you are a biological mother, an adoptive mum or a carer, or even a spiritual nurturer or mother to anyone …
You are celebrated … simply because you are YOU!
It can be an interesting day that brings tremendous joy or can trigger intense pain.
I have been really struck by this quote by North America’s UCLA basketball coach John Wooden …
“When opportunity knocks, it’s too late to prepare.”
The Lord is releasing opportunities now for those who are aligned with His voice and His will.
This is happening in influential spheres all around th...
Do you feel like you have been hidden away, almost forgotten by God?
Do you wonder, “Will He ever see me?” “Is there more than this?”
Father God wants you to know that He sees you … and your time is now!
Many things are happening in the world but know that God is working behind every scene.
The King of all kings is personally calling you by name …
… what will you answer Him?
I woke up this last Easter Saturday morning, feeling like my spirit wanted to jump out of my body. It’s a very strong force that causes me to be really uncomfortable.
Have you ever felt like something is pulling...
I have been thinking about all that’s happening in the world and how we, as the Body of Christ can bring Heaven to earth, right where we are.
The Lord interrupted my thoughts with:
“My Church needs to leave the building
so that the world can become
a part of My family.”
I asked the Lord to tell me ...
Last Monday afternoon I had a physical encounter with the goodness of God.
Have you ever had a moment with God and it just wasn’t the most opportune time?
I was driving in the pouring rain with lots of lightning carrying on all around me. Now don’t get me wrong, I love the light shows that God put...
As I was driving home, talking with the Lord about some things that were troubling me, more than they should have, I heard Him say in my spirit that I had been unconsciously blaming external circumstances and the false beliefs that came with them for my lack of forward movement.
We discussed it at ...
About 9 years ago, the Lord woke me up at 4am everyday, for a period of 2 weeks. Each morning I would walk quietly downstairs with my pen and paper – He would speak and I would write.
I am now seeing what He told me come into being.
I saw a huge fence with people standing on top of it. Right at th...
We are living in truly extraordinary times. The news has nothing but ‘bad news’ and is laden with fear.
Have you noticed that the Bible says that the Kingdom of God and all that Jesus brings is ‘good news’? (Luke 2:10, Romans 10:15, Hebrews 4:2)
“But as Philip preached the WONDERFUL NEWS of God’...
Have you ever looked at your life and wondered how you got here?
Has the thought ever crossed your mind, “Is this all there is? Is there more?”
Maybe you are comfortable right where you are, and that’s totally ok. But maybe you are wondering if there really is more to your life than this.
I used ...
So much is happening in the world today.
Are you confused at how we are to think and respond to the current events?
Racism has been brought forth into our view but sadly it has been rumbling beneath the surface with outbursts here and there for centuries.
These issues have been burdening my heart...
Have you ever woken up and there is a song going around and around in your head? You wonder, “Why on earth am thinking of that? I haven’t heard that song in years.”
Maybe you are lying there, first thing in the morning, (or even the middle of the night) and a brilliant idea drops into your mind. Yo...