Have you ever wondered if there is more to life than what you are experiencing right now? Have you ever had thoughts run through your head like, “Am I important?” “Am I really needed?”
If so, then I am here to tell you that you are not alone.
I was sharing with a lovely friend the revelations of l...
Have you ever thought about that?
“Jesus is the reason for the season” can end up being such a trite saying that it loses most of it’s meaning.
I just LOVE the lead up to Christmas and the day itself. It can be such a beautiful time. However, I do understand that it is not always a fun time for so...
“Nothing can stop You, God!”
These were the words I heard myself say in prayer one morning.
Do you sometimes wonder where God is and if He really is doing anything? Is He sitting back having a nap saying, “I’ll get to that later”?
I can assure you, He isn’t. He is your Waymaker who is constantly ...
Have you thought about what Heaven actually looks like or what it will be like to live there? What is happening there right now?
What does your future look like?
Have you ever wondered what God looks like?
I have written about my experience of seeing God in His throne room here, so check it out if ...
Have you ever wondered what God looks like? Or maybe what is in the throne room that He abides in?
Have you read the description of the throne room of Heaven in the book of Revelation and thought, “What did the Apostle John actually see?”
Maybe you grew up, like me, with the impression that God is...
Today I am going to tell you the story of the day I bought a $42 bottle of Coca Cola.
Well not literally … but kind of.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation and you wondered how on earth you got there?
I have …. many times. Let me share.
From my very first thought of wanting a drink of Co...
Do you feel like you’re in a hamster wheel, going round and round and round? Or maybe you are old enough (like me) to remember the movie “Groundhog Day”. Do you feel like this is your season right now? The only problem with living in the real world is you don’t get to change yesterday. Rats!
But be...
Do you have leaders and people of authority in your life that are making decisions that you strongly disagree with, dislike or even abhor?
Do you have so called friends that ripped your heart out, stamped on it, and walked away, seemingly happy that they have just devastated your life?
Do you have...
Would you like your life to be forever changed? Did you know you have the ability to live the most amazing life ever, because of what Jesus did for you?
You can’t earn it, buy it or deserve it. God wants to give it to you and all you have to do is choose it and say, “Yes” to Jesus.
Today we are go...
It was a Saturday morning and even though I had my daughter’s swimming lesson at 8am, that was one of the first mornings of the week that I didn’t have my alarm set for 5am. I had finished some work late the night before and was SO looking forward to a sleep in. Nope. That wasn’t going to happen.
Chris Gore – Bethel Healing Rooms
“Separation from God is simply an illusion.”
Have you ever felt like God was so far away from you? Maybe you’ve heard the saying, “If you feel far from God, it’s not Him who moved.”
God cannot move away from you and as Chris Gore says, “You are a Believer NOT a...
Yoda, Star Wars – “Empire Strikes Back” Episode V
“Do or do not – there is no try.”
This quote may seem like a strange way to start off a post about praying for healing but it is actually very fitting.
Jesus told the disciples to just go and do it. He didn’t tell them to find someone who was si...